irises, spring

A Spring Stroll

A Spring Stroll ~ Spring brings a succession of joyful growth bursting with color and aroma. The menagerie of delightful colors brings a smile to my face and heart. Cherry trees are early spring stars with a profusion of white blossoms and delicate scents. Next tulips lead the parade with a variety of colors while…

nature, soul, Lee Creek

Soul Spaces 111- Nature

Soul Spaces 111 – Nature Nature has been my go-to place and way to nurture my soul ever since my 30s. During my early thirties, I was fortunate to have the time, money, and health to travel the country in a VW camper visiting National Parks. The two summers I spent hiking and camping in…

spring, poetry, joy

Spring Fling

Spring Fling ~ he flashed his white blooms she opened purple petals they had a spring fling ~ Many years ago I rented an apartment in this neighborhood. Each spring the street explodes with dogwoods, redbuds, azaleas and an abundance of flowers. People walk and drive through the neighborhood to gawk at the springtime display…