nature, flowers, love

Elementals #7

Elementals #7   ~ a walk in the park communing with bees and plants starstruck lovers swoon ~ I’m reviving my Elementals Series as a simple and fun way to share my love for nature. Especially in this time of corona madness, I’m grateful for a scenic yard, woodsy neighborhood, and easy access to nature.…

ceramics, birds, fun, poetry

Polly Wolly!

Polly Wolly! this Polly does NOT like crackers that’s nonsense from wackers* Snickers bars bring me bliss any birdbrain knows this ~ although we’re made of clay we’re ready to dance and play each day full of surprises with delight in all that arises ~ now it’s time to bid adieu I enjoyed bumbling through…

birth, poetry, birds

New Life

New Life tweet, eat and sleep mother is near to keep me out of harms way guarding for critters who prey ~ I test and fluff my wings still such fragile things one day I’ll fly free but today I’m here with thee! ~ Yesterday I noticed this baby robin in my yard. It seemed odd…

sunflowers, garden delights

Garden Goodness

Garden Goodness oh what a beautiful sight birds singing in delight flowers exploding in exotic show with colors so vibrant they glow bees sipping on nectar so fine they’re buzzing in flight divine hummingbirds dazzling in magic flight ants marching home for the night my heart is bursting with love grateful for the garden goodness…