nature, beauty

Elementals #9

Elementals #9 May peace and beauty fill our hearts. I’m continuing to sit with the idea of championing freedom vs simply being free and love in action. I believe what we focus on or resist grows, so continually noticing, protesting, or talking about the problems in the world will only help expand them. Ultimately, this…

flow, photography

Finding the Flow

There is a pace that aligns with the flow of life. The pace that works for me seems to be a balance of awareness and engagement. Too much engagement (doing) and I lose myself to the experience, which can be fun, but doesn’t seem like flow for me. Too much awareness (being) and I get…

kindness in action

Awesome Stories 1.60

This week Awesome Stories brings you kindness, awareness, play, free college, love and creativity. Kindness in Action This story of Matt being helped by a stranger touched my heart. I’ve been stranded on the highway, and it’s not fun. Read how George saved Matt’s family vacation. In Matt’s words, “With tears in my eyes, I…