Happy Hummers

Ruby-throated hummingbird


beautiful hummers

perch, feed, chase, nest, and hover

straight into my heart


These ruby-throated hummers fly north to breed in the eastern US and Canada during the summer. In winter, they return to Central America and Mexico, flying as much as 900 miles! Most of us have experienced how fast and tiny they are. Their average size is 3.5 inches with a weight of .1 to .2 ounces. Did you know they routinely fly 30 mph and can reach speeds of 60 mph when diving while beating their wings over 50 times per second! They also can fly upwards, downwards, and even hover. Hummers need to consume a lot of sugar and insects to sustain all that frenetic flying, about one-half of their weight every day. Their speed carries over to their heartbeat, eating, metabolism, and relatively short lives of 5-6 years.

Refueling at the feeder

Thankfully, we’ve had a lot of hummers visiting our flowers and feeders this summer, especially my neighbor’s garden with two feeders and poles that they seem to like for perching. My photos aren’t great but I was delighted that they continued to feed, perch, and chase each other with me standing about three feet from the feeders.

Surveying the territory

May your heart be touched by beauty.

49 thoughts on “Happy Hummers

  1. Such a sweet post and photos. Love learning about all of Nature’s children. Thank you for sharing this great info and a window into seeing them in their daily dance through your eyes. And thank you for slowing down time to help others be more present to the moment and all the gifts we may otherwise pass when caught up in the frenzy of life that takes over our true nature.

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  2. Beautiful poem and photos, Brad! I had a ruby-throated baby born in my CA home backyard. He is 5 years old now. He had never left my garden since birth. His parents left for his first year’s winter but returned after three months. I worried so much about him in the winter. He seems to be okay.

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  3. Bird watching is so peaceful. Lovely captures here, Brad. Thank you for sharing with us!! My favorite thing about humming birds is the sounds that they make! The flutter of their wings and their clicking chirp. 💗

    Liked by 1 person

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