Communing with Nature

Dragonflies are fun to watch with their shimmering wings.


dragonflies hover

ripples of color and light

dancing in the air


A common watersnake but I’m cautious since they look similar to the poisonous cottonmouth. I looked down and almost stepped on this one. I wasn’t sure what kind he was so I gave him space and respect.
This heron was sitting completely still and then took flight. They are big birds with 5-7′ wingspans.

The photos above are from a hike last spring in 2021. Partly due to the weather and my changing habits, I have not been out hiking much this year. I still love and appreciate nature, but find myself less interested in driving somewhere to go hiking. I miss the days of living in Boulder, Colorado where I could literally go hiking from my home. Maybe one day, I’ll live out in nature, communing on a daily basis. Meanwhile, I find beauty and joy in the little things around me at the pond and gardens. There are tons of dragonflies here due to the pond, but I rarely catch them in photos.

This beauty was sitting patiently beside my car.

May you find ways to thrive where you are.

77 thoughts on “Communing with Nature

  1. Your posts always lower my blood pressure, Brad. Love these images, your poem, and the CLOSEUP of a dragonfly near your car. Thank you for taking and then sharing them. And I agree about driving someplace to hike. Seems very similar to driving to one’s gym. A smaller goal of one’s own personal health/sanity is undermining the larger goal of climate equilibrium (due to fossil fuel use) for everyone…

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Thank you! Fabulous photography – the details on the dragonfly in particular. Oh the miracles of nature! Just love relaxing (what else in this heat?!) on the patio taking in the beauty of the flowers, and the early morning Swifts’ Red Arrow moves… Cheers. x

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Your haiku is exquisite. ❤ I love dragonflies too, Brad. I think the name captures our imaginations as much as their beautiful wings. And I'm glad you didn't step on the snake! Lol. Enjoy your peaceful garden and its visitors. Hugs.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Beautiful photos Brad… and each one with their own set of camouflage skills .. Good you can detect which snake is which… We fortunately only have the poisonous Adder here in the UK and its not deadly deadly… Love Dragonflies and glad you see them regularly..
    So enjoyed your photos…. I am sure your walks in nature will begin when the time is right again Brad..
    Sending well wishes and have a great weekend . ❤

    Liked by 3 people

  5. I saved a dragonfly from certain death last week, and an hour after I did, I happened to be filming it with my phone when it finally had the strength to fly away. I gasped. It was a wonderful moment and I hope it’s out there living it’s best life right now. Hope you are doing well, Brad! HNS 🌸

    Liked by 3 people

      • I’m sorry it’s scorching hot down there. It feels like the world is on fire, but we still have to go about our lives while things crumble around us. It’s so bizarre! I’m doing ok. It’s been a shitty 2 years, but I am finding my footing again. I bought solar lights and set them up yesterday, and I was elated to see them in the dark for the first time. It’s the small things, Brad! 🤷🏻‍♀️ Have a lovely weekend, my friend. Hopefully, it cools off a bit. HNS 💕

        Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, these are challenging times Tanya, and we must find joy and share love where we can. I hope you find your footing and thrive my friend. Maybe you’ll be inspired to share your gift for words again. Big HNS. 💕

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Beautifully taken pictures! Am not sure I’d stop, leave alone stop to photograph a snake, even from miles away 😂, they give me nightmares. Around where I grew up, there were so many snakes, in the fence, in the shoe you left outside, under your bed, across the doorway, lifetime trauma 😂. They’re beautiful creatures though, it’s great I can appreciate them from afar.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. So much pops off the page when I read your blog Brad!

    1) Communing and 2) Dragonflies especially.

    Communing is such a beautiful word. The world is trying to “change’ everything to their liking versus bending and flowing to what is. How naive we are to think that as a human species we are more powerful than nature itself.

    2) Dragonflies are “a symbol of happiness, new beginnings, and change for many centuries” which is why many people will take seeing a dragonfly as a sign of HOPE. Something we all need right now. Something your writing gives us.

    Add in your nature walk and .. well HEAVEN

    Thank you for sharing your world. You light up ours! daily

    Liked by 2 people

  8. The heat does slow us down, but hopefully the cooler weather will get us hiking more. In the meantime, we have the little things for which I am grateful. There are a lot of interesting spiders and webs in my backyard. I hope they’re eating mosquitoes.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I enjoyed seeing everything, including that water snake! Stay snake safe! I’ve been having so many dragonflies this season at my home. Love your pictures and share your love for nature (and being outdoors). Also I truly appreciate the lovely shelter that is my home. I am basically a hobbit at heart.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. I hear you Brad…it is so important to get out in nature. I find it almost like medicine!! And that snake!!!!! UGH!! Not my favorite…I’ve been known to jump out in traffic when a snake sneaks onto my path!
    I just want to say thank you again, Brad ❤ Your heartfelt support and generosity is so much appreciated. ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Thanks a lot, Brad for your fantastic write ups, so detailed, delightful and insightful.
    Being a nature lover and an extremely passionate advocate of “save our most beloved mother Earth by using only eco friendly bio degradable products, I truly like nature blogs.

    Please take care.

    Health and happiness always 🌳 🌻

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