Autumn Reflections

The first fall colors, mostly yellows and browns.


trees in transition

autumn beauty playing coy

with muted colors


I love fall for the colors, transitions, time to reflect, and relief from the summer heat. This year we had an especially long and hot summer so I am extra grateful for autumn. In fact, we just started cooling down last week, haven’t had a frost or freeze yet, and the peak colors are probably a couple of weeks away. I didn’t realize that trees shed their leaves as a way of conserving energy to protect themselves from the cold winter. Besides being beautiful to watch the color changes, the process of releasing, turning within, and conserving energy for the next growth phase can be a useful process for us humans too. The change offers us time to do less, reflect on our lives, and make new plans. For now, I’m just happy and grateful for the autumn season.

Happy Autumn!

44 thoughts on “Autumn Reflections

  1. I very much admire the way that your posts combine beauty with wisdom (“the process of releasing, turning within, and conserving energy for the next growth phase can be a useful process for us humans too. The change offers us time to do less, reflect on our lives, and make new plans.”) Thank you, Brad!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Gorgeous pictures, I love Fall colors! It was beautiful to read and immerse in your writing – I am feeling especially quiet and slow, wanting to move as less possible, or engage in any plans. It is beautiful to float through the day and allow all that comes.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. We just recently had our first freeze, too. Iā€™m not complaining since our winters are usually so long. šŸ™‚ Our colors are a bit past peak, but still beautiful. Happy autumn Brad.

    Liked by 4 people

  4. Great insight Brad! Your words are spot on….love the pics!! I like you am tired of the heat! It’s been nice this past week….cool nights…pleasant temps….great change! We even may get some rain Monday here in Southern California! Fall has always been my favorite season! have a great week….again, great post!

    Liked by 3 people

  5. I donā€™t know what it is but the colours this autumn have been more radiant and beautiful than ever before. Itā€™s as though Iā€™ve never witnessed Fall, and because of that, I donā€™t want it to end. Itā€™s been breathtaking. I couldnā€™t agree more; the transition to cooler temperatures has been a welcomed one. Enjoy it while it lasts! I hope you have a wonderful day, Brad. Lots of HNS.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. I was away for two weeks, Brad, and returned to find the leaves changed. It was a wonderful sight. I love the parallel you drew between trees and humans. Endless lessons for us in nature. Your photos are wonderful – nature’s abstract artwork. And a sublime haiku to top it off. Enjoy your time of reflection. ā¤

    Liked by 1 person

  7. These are great photos, Brad. And I love the Haiku, too šŸ™‚
    Sending you lots of good energy. I think this time of year has a lot of emotional things in it. Like the holidays…they have always been a trigger for me. And…daylight savings time ending last night…yes we get an extra hour (haha…not really!) but I hate when it gets dark out so early in the evening.
    Anyway, I ramble…
    Just sending a hug across blogville!

    Liked by 2 people

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