Soulful Sunset

Sunset from the airplane


the sky is glowing

painted with shades of orange

a soulful moment


I watched this beautiful sunset unfold while flying back to Arkansas from my trip east to see family. It reminded me of the many amazing sunsets that I’ve watched over the years. I’m grateful for the many beautiful places that I’ve seen. For several periods in my life, watching the sunset was a ritual to slow down, appreciate the moment, and enjoy the beauty of nature. Those evenings left me refreshed, inspired, and grateful. I’m noticing that I don’t make the time to do this much anymore, keeping myself busy and plugged into a device far too often. Rarely do I sit doing nothing but relaxing. I wonder if I will reclaim the soul nurturing routine of watching sunsets.

May your week be full of beauty and soulful moments.

113 thoughts on “Soulful Sunset

  1. Wow!

    Interesting post here “Writing for Freedom”. I like how you described Nature using emotions like feeling that freshed and grateful.

    The image says it all, the sunset is an absolutely beauty to witness. ☀️☀️☀️

    Liked by 8 people

  2. Lovely post, Brad. Thank you for sharing your gorgeous sunset photos, haiku, and reflections on slowing down to enjoy more of the same. Well, no two sunsets are ever the “same,” which makes them even more spectacular. 🌄

    Liked by 6 people

  3. Beautiful image and words to accompany. Savoring the moments truly is something I think has been lost along the way. Time to just sit and do absolutely nothing, but be, relax, listen, observe, and receive are priceless. I found my silent retreat recently to be such a gift. While I do take moments out, I found the dedication of these full days to beingness was pure gold and a profound message of just how important it is to do this. It’s so easy to stay “busy” and I have been one to go nonstop in my life as well in the past. I find I have less tolerance for rushing and stress, as my body craves slow and flow. Anytime I get into a faster pace, my body seems to naturally correct me with some kind of wake-up call. Do you experience that too? Wishing you relaxing, peaceful golden moments dear Brad. Love and warm hugs.

    Liked by 7 people

  4. Ahh .., Brad, your post is so still and beautiful. The pictures do so show the truth of the
    grandeur and peace it always is prepared to give.
    Of course you can reclaim this treasured moments in your life and be still in your heart.
    I like to do this with both sunrise and sunset. 🤗.


    Liked by 7 people

  5. Its winter here in South AFrica so I have been avoiding the early morning walks and one thing I do miss is the sunrise or sunsets that I get to witness. But i really do miss it too… It feeds your soul.
    Great picture Brad and thank you for sharing.

    Liked by 5 people

  6. I’ve flown so many times in my lifetime, and yet I’ve never seen a sunset while on a plane. This is an amazing photo, Brad. And yes, I find sunsets beautiful but also unsettling, because as I watch the sun (too quickly) set into the sea or the Earth, I’m reminded of how fleeting our life is.

    Liked by 6 people

  7. I agree with Pam about sunsets reminding us — beautifully and majestically — about endings and our own mortality. I also hope that you are able to “reclaim the soul nurturing routine of watching sunsets.” Deep breath in. Deep breath out.

    Liked by 6 people

  8. Oh my goodness, Brad! Truly takes my breath away. I ‘get it’ on having time slip away plugged into a device far too often. Possibly the concept of “balance” and getting “unplugged.” You are reminding me to get out for my evening walk. Thank you.

    Liked by 4 people

  9. Gorgeous photos! I find I, too, am more glued to a device now than before. I have always loved a good sunset, but since I’ve been retired it’s the sunrises that have become part of my daily routine.
    Lovely post, my friend.

    Liked by 4 people

  10. That’s a beautiful sunset. I find myself always trying to chase the perfect sunset and they alwaya appear when I’m driving in the middle of a busy freeway where I can’t even take a picture 😅 I’m glad you got to travel and visit family. We all really need to unwind and disconnect from all the gadgets we have around us and appreciate nature more…

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Where I live, Brad, trees and houses block my view from a sunset and the same for sunrise. OH how I need to go to the lakefront and soon to watch a sunset. And of course bring my camera. There have been many evenings and mornings that I have celebrated with the sun as it made an entrance and said goodbye. Loved your pictures …. I can just see you in my mind’s eye glued to the window gazing in awe of the splendor before you. Thank you for sharing!!

    Liked by 2 people

  12. “..watching the sunset was a ritual to slow down, appreciate the moment..” yes nature offers us many instances to slow down. Sit underneath a tree, it’s shade and branches will become the source for our artistic inspiration. Watch a butterfly flapping its wings that will be enough to make us smile.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Beautiful captures and thoughts!! One of the things that I have done almost every morning since I retired is I spend the first 45 minutes to an hour by myself (with my morning coffee) doing prayerful meditation. That has been a blessing especially on days where crap hits the fan. Just my thoughts….have a great weekend!!

    Liked by 1 person

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