Powerful Prose

Powerful Prose

poetry, transformation


 poets rise up

ponder, prepare, proclaim

harness the power of words

pen poignant prose

catalysts creating change

creative caring community

energy infused words 

passion, power, purpose

a noble mission

will you join


Amanda Gorman has inspired the nation with her poetry reading at President Biden’s inauguration. I have mixed feelings about the reading, but watching her TED Talk gave me a better perspective. I believe her inauguration performance was political theater by the organizers, but I appreciate her sincerity and passion in using her voice for political and social change. She has inspired me to reconnect to the purpose of using my words for inspiration and positive change in the world.

Amanda Gorman: Using your voice is a political choice | TED Talk

Write on! 

85 thoughts on “Powerful Prose

  1. Words written or spoken are great motivators. Glad your still pursuing your passion.
    I’ll have to check out the TED talk link. And I used to have a poetry page ages ago..and it was titled “Poetry is like Pizza, Personal”. There is always some room for poetry in all forms,band there will always be someone who loves what is presented. 🙏
    Looking forward to your future posts. 😊

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Brad, I find your poem very inspiring and strong. Of course I will join a Noble mission, like this.
    You inspire me to sort what I have written lately.
    I saw Amanda Gorman and was amazed. First I thought she was starting to sing. A new way for us European to write poetry. So full of life and passion.


    Liked by 3 people

  3. Your poem is very powerful beautiful, I enjoyed it.
    My felt sense experience was as if Amanda brought the beauty and power of poetry mainstream on the world stage. Instead of being for and from a select few in our corner of the world.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Haven’t studied the issue, Brad, but, yes, I have mixed feelings too. The performance was wonderful; the sentiments impeccable. Was it great poetry? I don’t think so. But a stirring political occasion and call to arms (or laying down of arms).

    Liked by 3 people

  5. As I avoid all media, I don’t know this poet. I do, however, understand the passion in your words, Brad. Words are the most powerful weapon of all, and those who have the gift must be careful to use them with absolute integrity. And, possibly more importantly, those who read/listen must use discernment towards that which they choose to consume.

    Liked by 4 people

  6. love your powerful poem brad and image to accompany it. i’m glad to hear that you feel inspired to channel change through your gift. as amanda said in the TED talk – poetry is the language of bridges…and i feel, like you, that words are one of the powerful creative tools we can use as a way to “bridge” more peaceful connection. yet, as you said, to do so with care…responsible care.

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Brad, I hope more do join … what an amazing platform for the young poet. Her passion and recital was amazing and thank you for sharing the TED talk – her conviction is immense and a calling for us all to talk up!

    Liked by 4 people

  8. Hola my friend, oh I really loved this poem of yours! It´s so on-point, deep, and passionate. Just beautiful!! I especially loved the last four lines starting with “energy infused words”, but really the whole poem really spoke to me! Disculpa my absence for the last weeks, there was so much going on. Really happy to be back and cherish your beautiful art:) Big hugs, I hope you are well

    Liked by 4 people

  9. Brad, your poem is lovely and powerful. Beautifully written. I think Amanda’s poem was really strong and for a 22 year too. I will visit the Ted talk. I don’t know about political theatre, but maybe. But there us no doubt her poem the way she recited it was fabulous.

    Liked by 3 people

  10. Okay I saw the Ted talk ( not all of it). I get your comment about political. That doesn’t bother me as that is the spark that helps her write poetry or any writing. She is so young and maybe later on in her life, her poems might change. She said something about coming on the stage with her ancestors behind her, she reminded me of a similar comment Maya Angelou made.
    I love her passion, her youth, and her courage.
    She has a gift and if it subtly creates a positive change it is good. In my humble opinion.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Thanks for the thoughtful reply Bella. I meant no disrespect toward Amanda. I have simply grown skeptical of our political system that is corrupted by corporations and big money. Yes, she has a gift, is using it for good, and will likely inspire others to use their voices for reform.

      Liked by 2 people

      • I guess because I live in the UK, and only just semi read up about the USA political system, I maybe naive. What I read somewhere is that Jill Biden was the one who suggested Amanda to speak. I found her (Amanda’s)Ted talk interesting and her reference to burning books. I get her spark is the political view of life for her poetry. But we know there are other subjects for poetry. I think at 22 we think one way, and then at 30, at 40, etc we change. I feel her poem for me a non American was like a fresh start for America . Just my humble non American opinion.

        Liked by 2 people

      • I honor your perspective and appreciate both of your fresh views. No doubt that I have grown jaded and no doubt that our US system and most governments in the world are now heavily influenced (if not outright corrupted) by corporations. thanks for caring Bella.

        Liked by 2 people

  11. Your poem has so much good energy! My favorite line is, “creative caring community.” That’s something I definitely want to be part of. Looking forward to listening to the Ted Talk. Thanks for including it.

    Liked by 3 people

  12. A wonderful poem about the power of poetry, Brad. I loved Amanda’s performance. And so agree with you that her passion for poetry is inspiring. I was thinking about all the young people who hadn’t thought of poetry as something beautiful and meaningful that they too could write.

    Liked by 3 people

  13. Your poetry is truly powerful, Brad. In the Gift is a warning for words are exceedingly powerful and if we do not write from our hearts and with purity, we darken our Gift and it becomes dangerous. Keep your heart pure as the words flow from seemingly an “unknown source”. That is our gauge which is not of this world. Artists are a special breed of themselves, different, and proudly claiming to be not of this world. When we begin to compare ourselves with others, we tread on dangerous waters. I love the way you have become inspired to write poetry. Thank you for sharing!! xo

    Liked by 3 people

  14. Thanks for sharing this, Brad. There will always be two sides or more to an opinion. It is great that although you had mixed opinions of the speech, you took something away from it. Hope you continue to write and inspire with your craft. You have such an engaged audience here and thank you for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

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