Summer Dreams

Summer Dreams


vibrant petals glow

alive with the scent of love

feeding summer dreams


vibrant petals begin to fade

and gardens begin to recede

the life energy withdraws

storing energy in the roots

like nature, I turn inward

focusing my energy within

quiet on the outside

but alive with potential

waiting, storing, building

as summer dreams fade

the glory of autumn begins


This image of a flower long since faded reminds me of both of the vibrancy of summer, and the coming of autumn. Although we haven’t seen a change in colors or even a cooling of temperatures, I know autumn is coming, along with nature’s retreat. It’s time to harvest, slow down, savor, and store away memories and energy for surviving the winter.

May your summer dreams fade into autumn’s glory.

43 thoughts on “Summer Dreams

  1. Beautiful words Brad and I couldn’t agree with you more.. Yes as Autumn gets under way its time to slow down gather in and store those Summer memories… Lovely flowers, My Dahlias are still giving me some wonderful colour, though for the past three days of constant rain they are now looking worse for wear..
    Have a lovely week ahead Brad… and I too I think am going to slow down, and just BE for a while.. πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Brad, I love this so much!! Your words are more beautiful than the flower, and the flower is gorgeous!!! You know how much I love fall, and this is the perfect tribute to both the culmination of summer and the beginning of fall…

    “Like nature, I turn inward

    focusing my energy within

    quiet on the outside

    but alive with potential

    waiting, storing, building

    as summer dreams fade

    the glory of autumn begins


    Liked by 1 person

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