Room With a View

Room With a Viewbedroom


art to feed my heart

food to nourish my body

a home full of love


My heart is happy!

My new digs are pretty wonderful. The house is full of art and artistic touches like this cozy reading nook, including a beautiful stain glass lamp that gives the room a delightful soft glow at night. There is a deck off the bedroom complete with western views to watch the sunset. Many of you know how much I love sunsets! And my new housemate is a kind soul who has graciously offered to share her beautiful home with me. I am grateful for how quickly and easily this move came together. I believe this new space will nurture my mind and body, allowing me to settle into the work of my soul. Thank you Dorothy, Marquette, and universe for conspiring to keep me moving and evolving.  🙂

sunset view

Last nights’ sunset view.

48 thoughts on “Room With a View

  1. This is so wonderful Brad! Made my morning to hear and feel how happy you are! It’s a lovely space. The universe has indeed conspired to bring you the most supportive home to nurture your needs and feed your soul into this next exciting leg of your journey! I’m excited for you and can’t wait to see what you create. Speaks to your being ready and aligned! Rapid unexpected changes for your highest good reflect this. Yay!!!!!

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  2. So happy for you and a bit jealous. Love the cabinet in the corner and it looks like you even have some handmade/homemade quilts. As for me, I need a small fireplace to complete my dream reading/relaxing room – but your’s comes darn close – congrats!! Can’t wait to see what written inspiration you put out now.

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