Autumn Reflections

Autumn Reflections

autumn, reflections, poetry


reflected beauty

autumn colors softly glow

with the touch of love



sunset washes over the lakeautumn, beauty

a quiet stillness fills the air

time slows as nature settles

autumn colors glowing

birds settle into night nests

ripples of beauty touch the sky

peace fills my mind and heart


The top image is my favorite photo from autumn this year. I captured many wonderful images during this sunset at Lake Fayetteville back in October, but I like the colors, composition, proportions, clouds, and feeling of this one. Or maybe it’s all a reflection of my feelings in watching this lovely autumn sunset. Sunsets have always been a special time for me to slow down and appreciate life. When you add the colors of autumn, I’m in photographer’s heaven!Β  πŸ™‚ I hope you find much to appreciate in your life.

And may your heart be full.

45 thoughts on “Autumn Reflections

  1. Another lovely piece of poetry, Brad. ‘autumn colours glowing’ is the perfect way to describe the colours during autumn. You have some great captures there. Looks very tranquil by the lake. I too like sunsets. There’s just something magical about them – that small space between twilight and darkness, day and night…it’s a time when you can actually watch time moving. Hope you’ve been well πŸ™‚

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  2. Beautiful photo and poem to go with it, Brad. I love sunsets too, the autumn’s color, the stillness at the end of the day and the reflection that they invite. So appropriate that the reflection in the lake is stunning. πŸ™‚

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