Awesome Stories 349- Christmas Edition

This week Awesome Stories brings you music and stories to inspire you for the holidays.

For me, stories and music are the core of what it means to be human. We express our ideas, lessons, and values with our stories. And we express our feelings and share our stories energetically with music. They both have the power to transmit energy and feelings from one person to another. May we use their power intentionally to uplift others.

Christmas Lovesnow, grace

Here are 6 heartwarming Christmas stories from Chicken Soup for the Soul published in Reader’s Digest. My favorite is #2 about the Christmas Spirit Prank. I won’t spoil it but simply share that the story demonstrates the power of love and giving in a most tender way. The other tearjerker was the story of Pepper’s Last Gift reminding us that simple acts of giving are often what touches us the most deeply.

Feliz Navidad

This Christmas Flashmob brought me tears of joy.

Sacred Light

Moonlight Christmas Wishes is a poem I wrote a couple of years ago to express my heart’s desire for peace on earth.


The moon’s silvery lightbeauty, night, reflections

plays quietly in the night

painting a sacred dressing

full of yuletide blessings

a wish upon the north star

for children near and far

a safe and cozy home

with space to roam

a fire in the hearth

and peace on earth

Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy

Lindsey Stirling is a master musician who injects so much passion and fun into her performances.

Christmas JarsChristmas traditions, Awesome Stories

I learned about this wonderful tradition from the bestselling book Christmas Jars by Jason Wright. It’s a very touching book that highlights the story of Hope Jensen and her efforts to spread goodwill with her family’s Christmas Jar Tradition. The idea is that you use a glass jar to collect spare change all year long and then give it away to someone in need at Christmas time. For many folks, an extra $100 or $200 can make a huge difference in their life, and more importantly, remind them that they are loved and hope is possible. I’m going to start my own Christmas Jar this year. It will be fun to build up to the gift all year as I collect the change. My desire to help others in need is why I volunteer at a local food pantry called LifeSource.

May you spread love and hope to many hearts this year.

Happy Holidays!Β πŸŽ„πŸŽ…πŸΌπŸŽβ˜ƒοΈπŸ’–πŸŽ„

32 thoughts on “Awesome Stories 349- Christmas Edition

  1. Beautiful Brad.. and that was an incredible piece of music you shared also.
    Thank you for all of your hugs, your smiles and your beautiful comments and may you have a Wonderful Christmas my friend..
    Sending Love and Joy πŸ’–πŸŽπŸ’–πŸ˜˜βœ¨ πŸŽ„πŸ§šβ€β™‚οΈπŸ₯‚πŸŽ‡πŸŽˆπŸ’πŸ’•πŸ˜ haha.. Hugs

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I loved all these! That mall flash mob brought tears to my eyes, too. πŸ™‚ And I’m a big fan of Lindsey Sterling. I often listen to her music (and others in the same genre) while I’m working. I love the instrumental pieces with all their hauntingly beautiful sounds. Thanks for sharing all these!

    Liked by 2 people

      • The end of Christmas is a huge let-down for many people, Brad. I understand your Day After post. But for me, I’m just glad it’s over — I don’t do Christmas well either… or any holiday, including birthday. It sounds like you are on the right track. It helps to have a purpose or a passion, and you are looking for one. Sometimes the looking can be an adventure. That’s all about the anticipation.
        Wishing you a brilliant New Year.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Thanks Teagan. It’s less about the holidays and more about tired of being solo for so much of my life as well as lack of direction. So yes, I’ll be working to mine some passion and purpose to get me moving for the new year. Thanks for caring. Hugs,

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Your latest post, poem for the New Year, is reflective and honest Brad.. And I know you will sift through your feelings and emerge on the other side of 2018 brighter for your reflections.

    Sending Mega Hugs, as I say thank you dear friend for your kind support .. May your year be filled with happiness, Health, and Harmony in all you do..
    Love and Hugs
    Sue xxx ❀

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Wonderful Christmas edition of Awesome Stories, Brad! I love the idea of the Christmas Jar, and like you, I think I’m going to start my own jar this year. πŸ™‚ I also enjoyed your Moonlight Christmas Wishes poem, and of course the videos were great.
    Hope you had a nice Christmas, Brad. Mine was different this year with working so much, I barely had the chance to take a breath. I’m thankful to be finished with my contract at Target and am looking forward to what this new year brings.
    Wishing you all the best and many blessings in the coming year, my friend, may it be “life radiant and true.” ❀

    Liked by 1 person

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