Awesome Stories 292

This week Awesome Stories brings you photomicrography, clever camping, intergenerational joy and the secret life of trees.

Nikon Photomicrography Winnersphotomicrography, Awesome Stories

This 2016 Nikon Photomicrography contest features some stunning photomicrographs, which are images taken with microscopes or other ways to magnify the image beyond what we can see with the eyes. This image of polished Teepee Canyon agate is my favorite, although I really like several others including the Selaginella leaves. What’s your favorite?

Intergenerational Joy

special friends, Awesome Stories

Tara Wood’s daughter and her 82-year-old friend

These two have a real love fest going on! Four-year-old Norah likes old people because they walk slow and have soft skin like she does.  🙂 At the grocery store with her mom, Norah met an old man and asked if she could take a picture with him. They chatted and he told her this was the best day for him. The photo was posted on social media and led to discovering who the man is and how to reach him. It turned out he had recently lost his wife. Since then, Norah and Mr. Dan meet routinely and have formed a special bond that feeds them both. The connection has helped Dan heal his loss and come alive again. We need more tender-hearted people who reach out with the innocence of young love. Thanks Norah!

The Secret Life of Trees

While walking in the woods, a forester noticed what appeared to be moss-covered stones. It turned out they were ancient tree stumps that still were alive. This lead German forester, Peter Wohlleben, to explore more and learn a whole new world of how trees feel, communicate and help each other. His book called The Hidden Life of Trees changed the way we understand trees and eco-systems. It turns out that trees communicate with each other trough their roots and fungi in the ground. They also help each other, sharing resources, modifying their growth to accommodate nearby trees and much more. Read this fascinating article for a peek at the Secret Life of Trees.

Clever CampingBeauEr trailer, Awesome Stories

I’ve written several times about my wanderlust in posts like The Van Life. When I see stories like this creative travel trailer from BeauEr, I can feel my heart and pulse race with desire.  🙂 BeauEr is a French manufacturer of recreational vehicles with a clever collapsible trailer that opens when camping to give more room. The clever design allows for triple the living space when camping at the touch of a button. Without any manipulation, all the furnishings are in place as if by magic! I would love to have one. How about you?

We could learn a lot from trees and young kids. Let’s share our resources and spread the love! 

33 thoughts on “Awesome Stories 292

  1. Another excellent post….I love the photographs…they show us the intrinsic abstractions of all life…so beautiful. When I was in Saorge France recently, I learned that the children from the primary school walk through the Village every day to the Old People’s Home at the end of the Village. They have lunch together, every day and the children sing……..I think we could all learn from this model.
    I just saw a documentary on the BBC showing scientifically that trees do communicate with one another….what we would ever do without them.

    Hope you are enjoying a lovely weekend…janet:)

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