Sideways Shuffle

Sideways Shufflesideways shuffle

I’ve been doing the sideways shuffle for a long time. In case you’re not familiar with this silly dance, grab a partner and prepare to boogie! Here’s my version of the sideways shuffle.


Shuffle to the right.

Shuffle to the left.

Slide step right.

Slide step left.

Hop, spin around and repeat over and over until you get dizzy or exhausted. 🙂 You are now an official member of the Sideways Shuffle Club!

These are fun characterizations of how I feel about my life lately. I’ve created a dance of perpetual motion with very little progress in my life. On an impulse, I decided to do a Google search on the term “sideways shuffle” and found there is a sideways shuffle dance! So I included a sample of the videos of kids, hip hop dancers, musicians, athletes and a mime doing some version of the sideways shuffle. This shows how life supports diversity with endless ways to move through life. 🙂

The key is to find the dance steps that we enjoy and help move us toward our dreams and goals. And on a deeper level, I know that my spirit is growing and evolving regardless of what happens externally. We are human beings, NOT human doings. Yet, most of us, myself included, judge our worth by our outer successes.

Now I don’t feel quite so bad about my shuffling ways, but I still think it’s time to learn some new dance moves!

Maybe I’ll try the Lindy Hop!  🙂

28 thoughts on “Sideways Shuffle

  1. Amen…..profound observation but oh so true and oh so hard to sort through…we are so geared towards external accomplishments and not towards internal growth!! Well done…that was growth!! Keep doing what you do!!

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