Radiant Love

Radiant Lovelove, poetry

your love is pure delight

glowing with radiant light

vibrant mysteries inside

luscious petals open wide


your love is boundless, kind and free

lifting, welcoming and full of glee

shining in your face

welcoming me to this place


love, sign, poetryThis poem was inspired by Jennifer Pastiloff’s wonderful post called Be Love. She writes about an encounter with David, a homeless man, who reminded her about the power of love with his sign and manner. After she takes his photo, he asks Jennifer to wear the sign for two hours. Reading about the change in her yoga class (where she wore the sign and people noticeably softened) I felt tingles. I’ve already joined both bloggers4peace and artists4peace as part of my peace practice. Now, I’m ready to share my love, maybe even with a sign around my neck. 🙂

How about you?

Are you willing to share your love?


35 thoughts on “Radiant Love

  1. Go for it, Brad!! Wow! You can see the love of this man coming out of the photo! He doesn’t need a sign to see it….but then again…it couldn’t hurt. Then he’d be sure to catch even the most non-aware person!! LOVE it!! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Roses evoke so many strong emotions – the fragrant scents, the vibrant colors, even the thorny texture of its stem. It’s like a microcosm of life wrapped up into a small package that undergoes a subtle transformation each and every day. Beautiful image, beautiful poem – thanks Brad 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wonderful post share Brad.. and beautiful poem.. Yes its a little like Dr Emoto’s water experiment.. our thoughts and words do alter our vibration.. And our cell structure.. I have a necklace with love on a heart.. Maybe I should wear it more often. 🙂 Thank you for ALL the LOVE you share here Brad..
    Blessings your way..
    Sue x

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  4. Wow Sue. Now my heart is singing and my body vibrating with the joy of your loving words. Thank you for being such a good friend and supporter. I bet that heart necklace is fun. May we shine and radiate our love, blessing all we meet. HUGS and smiles across the miles. 🙂


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