Harvesting Gratitude

What are you harvesting this season? gratitude, thanksgiving, harvest

My harvest has been a little sparse lately, so I’m choosing to plant more seeds of gratitude for Thanksgiving. In past years, I’ve participated in various gratitude challenges and processes during the fall season. How about you? Will you join me in growing more gratitude to open your heart?

Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday for the sharing of food, family, friends and time together. The gifts of food and presence are tremendous gifts we can offer to those people who live in our hearts. Maybe we don’t spend as much time with them as we’d like to during the year. Some of us are separated by geography, others by our busy lives.

Thanksgiving can be a time to slow down, remember and count our blessings.

The years I’ve most enjoyed have been the ones where we made time to simply be together, or spend time in rituals of gratitude and connection. These rituals help open our minds and hearts, feel oneness, and return to our natural state of union with God and life.

This video always opens my heart and inspire me to gratitude. It is masterfully photographed by Louis Schwartzberg and narrated by Brother David Steindl-Rast, filled with beautiful reminders to appreciate life in the here and now. I’ve featured it before, including on my inspiration page, but if you haven’t seen it, I highly recommend watching this video!

Here’s another heartfelt post about gratitude and the art of life. I hope it inspires you to live more fully, appreciating all the blessings already in your life.Gratitude, living fully

In closing, I want to say thanks again to all my friends and readers. You truly make a difference in my life. Some days, you keep me anchored in gratitude or at least connected enough to not fall into the cave of despair. Thank you!

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!


18 thoughts on “Harvesting Gratitude

  1. What a wonderful reminder, at a time when everyone else is rushing to and fro to “prepare” for the holidays, that we step back, slow down and enjoy the moments that have been provided for us. Thanks for sharing Brad, may your harvest be plentiful this year and well beyond 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Dear Brad.. What an inspirational post.. This Video brought tears .. Oh if only we all spend each day as well.. We have so so many ‘Gifts’ we have in our lives which have brought Blessings.. Yet so many of us take these blessings for granted..

    Happy Thanksgiving Brad… And thank you for opening many eyes to the Gifts of Thankfulness..
    ❤ Sue

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  3. Wonderful post about “Harvesting Gratitude” Brad, and the video you shared is one of my all-time favorites; so beautifully expressed! Thank you for sharing it so I could watch it again! 🙂
    Hope you have a happy and blessed Thanksgiving, my friend! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Brad, dinner is eaten as i settle back for an hour on WP.. I so loved watching this video again. I opened my eyes today.. I spent time in the garden relaxing reading today.. saw my little mouse.. And watched the birds and insects… clouds .. I meditated too for a while linking bare feet to ground.. pulling in our Earth’s Mothers energy.. 🙂
    You bring us gifts Brad with each post.. I am grateful to have connected to your presence..
    Bless you and Yours Brad.
    Its been a good GOOD Day!

    Liked by 1 person

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