Awesome Stories 192

Oops! Somehow this was published 2 weeks ago but I don’t think it was sent out. Hopefully these are new and fresh stories to inspire you. Have an awesome weekend! 🙂

writing to freedom

This week Awesome Stories brings you universal access to meals, compassion, printable solar panels, transforming grief and creativity.

Welcome Home

Scientists have found evidence that our galaxy is part of a much larger and self organizing cluster of galaxies called a supercluster. Cool stuff!

Vermont Proposes Universal School Meals

I love this idea. Leaders in Vermont have recognized the importance of good eating as it relates to not only health, but learning for children. They’re proposing to offer free, healthy, locally sourced meals to every child in school. Just like kids are provided desks, books, materials, nurses and more, meals should be automatic to ensure healthy, alert children free of hunger or the shame of subsidy meals. Learn more at the Hunger Free Vermont website.

Mobile Green Machine

sustainable RV, Awesome StoriesHere’s a fun idea for any fellow eco fans. Joseph Tayyer converted an old truck into a super cool, sustainable home on wheels

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6 thoughts on “Awesome Stories 192

  1. Dear Brad (Earth Angel), YOU are a huge
    inspiration to me. I love reading your uplifting stories and receiving creative & helpful information from you. It is super-great to be friends with you on FB. That’s how I initially found out about your blogs, which by the way are AHH-SOME. When I am down, you lift me. When I am blue, you make me glad. When all seems hopeless, you revive my spirit. Thank you, thank you, dearest Brad.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much Anne Elizabeth. I’m happy to have gotten to know you and humbled that you think so much of my writing and stories. I’m also delighted that they help lift you up, as they do me when I read and share them. It’s fun to find your comment on my blog, rather than FB! 🙂 blessings, Brad


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