choice, love, freedom

Building our Health, Freedom, and Wisdom

Building our Health, Freedom, and Wisdom I’ve been reading some interesting things lately and feel strongly to share the following information with my community. Thanks for reading and considering these ideas. Your comments are welcome, and please share any information that resonates with you. Build our wisdom by reading widely from a variety of sources…

sadness, choice, poetry

The Day After Christmas

The Day After Christmas ~ mind and body are weary life has become rather dreary no joyful dancers no playful prancers just a solitary life full of struggle and strife ~ if I haven’t spoiled the day let’s get out and survey time for a bigger view with choices made anew for 2018 my wish…

holiday celebration, Awesome Stories

Awesome Stories 297

This week Awesome Stories brings you GLADvent, oil from tires, and transforming humanity. GLADvent Harula, from Words that Serve, has created a fun holiday ritual of celebrating one quality each day in December leading up to Christmas. She has created a GLADvent calendar with one stocking for each day from December 1st to the 24th.…