hunger, fire, rebirth, poetry

Hunger Games

Hunger Games ~ the hunger burns and must be fed devouring all in its path irreverent to rules and norms it consumes indiscriminately killing all life in its path beware the hunger ~ I just finished reading the Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzane Collins. I enjoyed the engaging characters and storyline. Suzane weaves a captivating…

Margaret Wheatly, Awesome Stories

Awesome Stories 324

This week Awesome Stories brings you healthy community, clean energy, feeding the hungry, and passion. Healthy Community  Margaret Wheatley explores some interesting perspectives on the paradox of community. She believes a healthy community must embrace our opposing needs for both individual freedom and connection to others. Both needs seem hardwired into our genetics and require a…

mini- farmery

Awesome Stories 1.30

Let’s start our Awesome Stories with some fun and games! How would you like to add 10 years to your life? Learn how with Jane McGonigal and her TedTalk. The key is to develop your mental, physical, emotional and social skills for resiliency. As a gamer who suffered a concussion with a hard recovery, she researched…