heart, love, roses

Heart Strings

Heart Strings ~ lush rose petals glow garden bounty in full bloom tugging on my heart ~ This is a photo from the gardens I planted at the last home I owned. Since I sold that house, I haven’t had gardens of my own to grow and nurture. Sometimes I’ve helped tend my landlord’s gardens,…

The Van LIfe

The Van Life

The Van Life The simplicity of van life is calling me again. What most of you don’t know is that I have done the van life, way before it was a popular topic for blogs, videos and Youtube. I feel the itch to downsize even more, travel and wander. The life and simplicity are calling…

outdoor preschools, Awesome Stories

Awesome Stories 266

This week Awesome Stories brings you edible 3D printed food, finding purpose, creative coping, gardens for preschool and dignity for the homeless. 3D Printed Food! If food designer Chloé Rutzerveld has her way, we might be eating food from 3D printers. She’s working on a very creative project to print using edible soil as the base, with…