Lakeside Treasures

~ puffy clouds building flowers, fungi, and lush trees a hiker’s delight spring showers nurture the soil effervescent life bursts forth ~ verdant vibrant vistas flowers beckon, birds sing announce the arrival of spring rejoice ~ ~ It’s peak spring here in Arkansas and we’re having gorgeous weather with mild temperatures, moderate humidity, and lots…

Macro Harvest

~ ~ lush green autumnal moss tickle my heart and toes a carpet of velvet delights soothing ~ ~ autumn glowing goodness nature’s sweet harmony a symphony of sound and light harvest ~ I enjoyed a mellow Thanksgiving weekend as the cap to a quiet autumn. I connected with a few friends and a couple…

Bursting with Spring

~ the Ozarks are bursting with green the colors of spring on every hill dazzling daffodils in bold yellows cherry trees exploding in white redbuds painted in pink buds warm my tender heart ~ ~ the parade of spring vibrant blossoms and colors dance upon the hills where red cardinals sing out announcing spring’s arrival…

muses, cinquain

Our Muses

Our Muses ~ muses a writer’s friend sometimes their woeful bain creators of inspiration and pain   fickle creative bursts amazing talents flow stumbling blocks when hiding out flighty   zany so full of life writer’s creative fuel zesty feelings and ideas juicy   soulful heartfelt musings inspiration and flow vivid dreams, imagination fancy  …

Spring Storm, NaPoWriMo, poetry

Spring Storm

Spring Storm Spring storm Erie glowing Downpour, hurling, pelting Recharges the waters of life Flash flood ~ Image source:

National Poetry Month, Love

Love- Cinquain Style

Love Love Juicy sweet Being, flowing, merging Inspiring wild dervish dance Replete ~ Today’s offering is a cinquain: a 5 line poem with the following syllable pattern; 2-4-6-8-2. I used the American Didactic form based on the guidelines.