Lens-Artists Challenge #279 Magical

This week’s Lens-Artists challenge invites us to see what is magical in the world around us.

We can create magic with our perspectives, both the lens and our attitudes. Ever since my thirties, when I was able to visit many of the US National Parks, nature has been my muse, my sanctuary, and a place of inspiration to find beauty, joy, and occasional magic. Ann-Christine from Leya kicked off the challenge with a beautiful collection of images and words to invite magic into our lives. I hope my post offers you a taste of that magic.



Mushrooms can bring magic if we ingest the hallucinogenic ones! They are the fruit of fungi with vast networks of mycelium that feed forests and soil. They break down heavy metals and plastics and even help trees communicate with each other. Magic indeed.


Dragonfly magic.


Dragonflies are often associated with change, growth, and messages in various traditions. How can such delicate wings belong to one of nature’s most agile fliers and fiercest predators? Maybe it’s magic.


Frost and dew on moss offers a dash of magic with the flowing patterns, textures, and colors. I see green waves flowing across the forest floor.



Or maybe we need a little Christmas magic. Children have a natural curiosity and wonder to see magic in the world around them. This Christmas scene has a touch of magic for me stirring happy feelings from a time when life was simple and magical.


This close-up of water drops on moss is a playground for the imagination. Maybe let your mind and heart wander into the realm of fairies and fantasy.


This small patch of moss offers a fantastical diversity of colors, shapes, and textures. Nature is an amazing artist. No need for filters or effects. Macro photography invites me to notice the beauty and magic in simple settings.



And then sometimes, nature knocks me on the head with big obvious wows like in this sunset.

May you invite some magic into your life this week.

blessings, Brad

#Lens-Artists, #Challenge#279

90 thoughts on “Lens-Artists Challenge #279 Magical

  1. Oh my gosh, Brad, these ARE magic. First, I claimed the mushroom as my favorite. Then, it was clearly the dragonfly. But the frost and dew on moss…and the water drops!!! I can’t even. You, your lens, and your perspective, dear friend, are exactly that…Magic.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. You know I absolutely love this post Brad! ✨️ all the incredible photos and your reflections on them were truly the perfect way to welcome in this season with wonder, curiosity, awe, and fresh perspective. We share Nature as a muse, sanctuary and source of inspiration. What a beautiful, free gift and source we all have available to experience. I hope people will embrace your invitation.

    Liked by 4 people

  3. ha. I laughed at your mushroom note. lol. Yup, all be feeling the magic with a bite. Your photos are absolutely beautiful, Brad. I love the colorful moss, and the drops on the green moss look like diamonds. Sunsets, icy lace… all so magical. Such a great collection..!!

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Your blog posts are almost always magical, Brad. This one was particularly so! You have such a wonderful eye for photography… and a wonderful way with words. Thank you for gracing my day with so much beauty and magic!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. You sure did it Brad… I actually just woke up feeling magical, (my break between dreams)… and received your post as a gift❤️🙏 wow to all your captures of magic in our magnificent world! You sure have an eye! I love the droplets and can hear the faery folk splashing and laughing as they play and enjoy being with you and us all in this glimpse🧚‍♀️🧚‍♂️ AND the sunset finale is a most magical display of beauty. We are so very lucky to be able to sense all this! It helps to balance out the rest of society who is unfortunately in desperate need to feel more light! So let us shine🤴👸 Thankyou Brad for your magical musing, sending you love and light too❤️

    Liked by 2 people

  6. This post is wonderful. Your photos and descriptions certainly back up what you say about nature being magical. Just recently, I learned about mycelium, and how trees “talk” to one another. I was dumbfounded with amazement 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  7. A truly magical post, Brad! Every one of your images…and you had me already with the fungi. Nature is the one most magical source we have, and you have embraced it and beautifully shown it. Favourites? The moss and the jewels in the moss.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Wonderful photos and invitations to see the magic present in our natural world, Brad. You know I’m a fan of your macro photography and a fan of moss and fungi too. 🙂 This post is as glorious as your sunset, and a great reminder to pause and breath and notice the beautiful all around us. Hugs, my friend. Happy Holidays.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Hi Brad. Welcome to the LAPC Saturday challenges. 🙂 I’m happy you shared your images/interpretation of what is magical. It’s true. People often think of the holidays as magical, but nature surely has plenty of magic for us. I especially enjoyed your first 2 images. Great perspective on the dragonfly.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. “We can create magic with our perspectives, both the lens and our attitudes.” 🙏 ✨

    Every time I visit your blog Brad, it leaves me expansive, filled up, and breathing deeper into the present moment of life. You have this beautiful balance in your writing that gives the reader the space to digest the magic of your words and photography.

    = INSTANT ATTITUDE SHIFT ^^ to the higher dimensions of life

    Thank you for all that you share here Brad. It is a gift to all of us and no doubt comes from a place of giving and trust. After all the years of blogging on WordPress, your site is one that I continually return to.

    Wishing you a holiday filled with the goodness you give. We are all blessed by you.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Beautiful photography of nature falling on our heads reminding us to seize the moment! Here’s to the magic of the season blessing you Brad, like you do us with your words and images!🎄🙏💕

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Love your collection of Nature’s magic, Brad. I second every word you use to describe nature as a sanctuary and a muse for inspiration and joy – and magic. It’s my happy place too.

    Liked by 1 person

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