Giving Thanks

Most of the leaves have dropped, but pictures help me to savor the season.


crispness in the air

the smell of decaying leaves

trees glow with color

radiant sunsets proceed

some of my autumn delights


A lovely sunset at a nearby pond.

I recently had a beautiful reminder about the power of gratitude, and plan to make a routine of finding something or someone to appreciate. My life is better when I make it a priority to find simple joys and practice gratitude.

Vibrant autumn colors.

Will you join me in counting our blessings and giving thanks?

To A Season of Gratitude!

72 thoughts on “Giving Thanks

  1. Yes! I will happily and enthusiastically and gratefully join you in the practice of counting our blessings and giving thanks, Brad. Roof over my head. Food to eat. Clean water to drink and bathe in. Friends and family. Music. My trusty, rusty old bicycle. Employment. Vibrantly colored leaves against a blue sky. A cactus blooming in time for Thanksgiving. Health insurance. Once one starts, the list can go on and on and on and on… A gentle and delicious Thanksgiving to you, dear man!!!

    Liked by 3 people

  2. There is so, so, much to be thankful for Brad, I always find when we view our cups as half full instead of half empty, as we stay in gratitude, just how much better our world becomes.

    I love the photos you’ve shared. And your beautiful poetry.

    To see blue sky is a joy. As ours have been so heavily overcast with rain recently. 😊..

    May each day be filled with rainbows and each cloud hold silver linings. ✨️

    Much love your way Brad 💛

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  3. AND that in itself is something to be grateful for… feeling grateful! I had a similar experience the other day which I will write about… it’s as if we are being given a divine hug and nudge through someone picked randomly… to come and comfort us. So yes I agree, it makes one get excited to pay it forward, and yes mark it in the calendar we could make this a regular event💃🕺😇🤩 Thankyou for your beautiful words and pictures of your environment, you truly chose a wonderful place to live! I hope you are allowing yourself to get into the Christmas sparkle and begin thinking about decorating and maybe gratefulness presents to wrap up and give out randomly! What an idea! Sending you much love Brad and feelings of joy🕺❤️

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  4. I hope you are having a lovely Thanksgiving, Brad. I’m grateful for all the people I have met in this blogging world and the beautiful words and photos that have offered so much perspective and support over the years. It’s been wonderful being on this journey with you. I am sending lots of love and blessings, my friend. HNS 🍁❤️

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