Wildflowers of Spring


flowers in the woods

tiny blessing to enjoy

moments of beauty


Spring is my favorite season as you may know from my recent posts. Wildflowers and blooming trees are a big part of what makes it so enjoyable for me. I especially love finding tiny little flowers along the trails as I hike. They are little gifts from nature to enjoy and cherish during their short spring display. They could be there one week and gone the next. Garden flowers typically bloom much longer than these ephemeral displays in the woods.

ephemeral beauty

Into the forest I go, to lose my mind and find my soul ~ John Muir

beacons of color
vibrant contrasts
star of good fortune

May there always be flowers to warm our hearts.

94 thoughts on “Wildflowers of Spring

  1. Hi Brad, I have been off the grid for a couple of weeks. I don’t want to miss your posts. I am always in awe to find beautiful wildflowers in the woods. Beautiful words by John Muir. Beautiful words from Brad. Thank you for sharing all that is beautiful.🌻

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