Holiday Hygge

Holiday Hygge


These metal skating figures have been a family tradition since before I was born.


My post was inspired by Kristine’s musings on coffee and hygge. Hygge is a Danish word for coziness or simple comforts that bring feelings of wellness and contentment. It means creating a warm atmosphere and enjoying life with good people. Hygge reminds us of the importance of simple comforts in our lives, especially this year with all the challenges we face. I’m on board with any way we can increase comfort and nurture. I felt the urge to decorate early this year and be mindful of my choices to uplift myself and others for the holidays.


No live tree this year, so this is my boost of pine and floral goodness.

Here are some of my favorites ways to create comfort for the holidays.

  • Christmas decorations
  • quiet time in nature
  • the aroma of pine trees 
  • a homecooked meal shared with friends and family
  • singing Christmas carols
  • hugs or the embrace of a friend
  • reading a good book tucked in bed
  • warm soup on a cold night
  • sharing a full belly laugh
  • the soft light of candles
  • listening to Christmas music
  • the kiss of a lover
  • bright cheerful Christmas clothes
  • warm soothing drinks like cocoa, tea, or hot toddy

Rockin’ Rudolph says ho, ho, ho!


How about a sleigh ride with the elves?













We’ve had lots of time to reflect on our lives this year, giving us an opportunity to clarify what is most important. For me, that is loving the people in my life and living a simple life focused on love, health, and simple joys. I hope you discover what’s most important to you and align your life with those priorities. 

Wishing you holidays full of comfort and joy!

60 thoughts on “Holiday Hygge

  1. I’m honored to have inspired! I love your list. A friend was just talking about the fresh pine tree they had chopped down as their Christmas tree and how wonderful the scent was in her living room. And I just made some soup the other day that was immensely comforting. And I continue to decorate for Christmas. I’m going to work on some of the other bits on your list!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What a delightful atmosphere you’ve created. And some great ideas. My hot drink choice is hot chocolate with Frangelico and Godiva chocolate liqueur topped with homemade chantilly cream. Cheers, Brad.😊🎄

    Liked by 2 people

  3. oh gosh brad i LOVE the sweet simplicity you created for your holiday warmth and magick. it’s adorable and i can feel the love and smell the fresh beautiful pine bouquet you created! your list of holiday comforts is right up my alley too! big warm hugs full of snuggly warmth, comfort and joy to you! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Your post brought such joyful, beautiful, cozy feeling. I felt the simplicity highlighted in how precious beautiful moments and traditions are created. A feeling of solace for the rushed busy season it might seem if we forget to enjoy the warmth and the gifts available to us.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I love this Brad, very cozy! I have yet to decorate for the holidays – I’m way behind this year and I’ve been having a hard time finding my usual Christmas cheer. I’m sure it’ll kick in soon. This helps! Thanks friend! 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hygge is a wonderful word, Brad. I love the Christmas traditions that bring back warm memories. Your holiday touches made me smile, and your list has motivated me to do a little decorating. Since we’re not hosting the traditional family celebration this year, I didn’t bother with a tree. But I did put up some lights! Now I think I need to add a few more touches. I hope you have a lovely warm holiday and wish you all the best in the year to come. ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  7. I love the little elves, Brad! They are adorable!! Between you and Kristine, I have discovered the importance of Hygge, and it’s got me thinking about all the ways I can bring some more comfort and joy to my world. You are absolutely right; it’s about the ones you love and finding joy in the simple things. I hope you have a magical holiday season and are surrounded by love. HNS. ☃️🎄

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I love your list, Brad, as well as Hygge’s focus on simple joys and deep contentment. Currently, I’m snuggling with my 4-year old in front of our Christmas tree. Beautiful view plus deep connection equals Hygge for me ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Great post Brad…thank you so much for sharing! Love the metal figures and what a cool tradition you have carried on. Your list is spot on!! We put our Christmas stuff up early also as have many people we know. This has been “a year” in many ways!! Enjoy the holiday season…my best to you!!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. My favorite Christmas past which of my grandmother and my mother setting up Christmas villages. We would sit for hours and our eyes will follow up and down the roads in around the houses looking for the little stories within the diorama. Now my sister has carried on the tradition. Thank you for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Thank you for sharing this post, Brad. I heard of Hygge before and wondered how to pronounce the word! We are thinking of ways to start new traditions or ways to celebrate in the years to come. I’ve been drinking some warm cider and some functional mushroom hot chocolate. This year we do have a Noble Pine, and it smelled soooo good for about a week. We like to celebrate solstice! So it’s such a special season. I felt a lot of wonderful energy from this post that contributes to us and our season this year. Merry Merry your way!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Love your decorations Brad, and Christmas list… for me I have brought this into everyday of my life as the joyous magical feel of Christmas is really our natural state of being and it’s a good practice to greet it each day❤️🌺 much love Barbara x

    Liked by 1 person

  13. A lovely list which reminds us that we don’t have to look to other cultures or words to capture the simple comforts of life: they are most often within our gift and close at hand.. All the frills and frippery do not provide the warmth and comfort that the simple pleasures on your list do.

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