Slow Money, Humanism, and Nurture Capitalism

Slow Money, Humanism, and Nurture Capitalism

summer heat, poetry

The Slow Money movement seeks to build on the ideas and momentum of the Slow Food movement. For today, I will focus on the work of Woody Tasch and the Slow Money movement. 

Humanism as defined by Woody Tasch;

The cultural context that allows us to nurture, even in the face of chaos, a robust sense of self-worth, so that we may develop a widening relationship of purposeful engagement. 

Clearly, capitalism and consumerism have failed as we see their social, economic, and environmental damage around the world. Woody is a writer, philosopher, and architect in the slow money movement that is working to transform our world into something more humane and sustainable. I enjoy his poignant writing, which reminds me both of the urgency and importance of creating sustainable ways of living with the earth. Woody is a modern muse, building on the ideas of writer/farmer Wendell Berry. They both offer insights on how we might transform our world into something more humane, just, and sustainable for people and the planet.

We are suffering from spiritual nomadism, a loss of meaningful contact with the earth and its cycles of birth, growth, and death. ~ Wendell Berry

They teach from the belief that to heal we must start with a strong relationship to the land and nature, then expand out to include people, place, and purpose. Their core premise is that capitalism, industrialization, and globalization have failed. We must relearn to value and prioritize people, relationships, local, and nature. As Woody writes, this must be the final chapter of capitalism, replaced by a robust movement of reconnection and regrounding, vital enough to help us navigate today’s toughest challenges. 

Maybe the only way to health and peace is to stop focusing on political maps and financial power and to focus instead on the whole world and our place in it. ~ Woody

Nurture capitalism is another name for what the slow money movement hopes to accomplish. It is a grassroots family of funding networks. They work to transform the way we invest and direct money with intention and nurturing. To steer money in new directions that allow us to honor diversity, land, local, and regeneration.

In case you’d like to learn more about Slow Money, here is the link to the first of 6 AHA newsletters from the Slow Money Institute or their website. And below is a video highlighting the efforts on Slow Money’s 2Forks Club for local investing.


Woody lays out the pitfalls of current capitalism and investing. Even mission-driven and benefit corporations often fall short of the aim to bring benefits to those who most need it. Nurture capitalism aims to start fresh with new ways of investing that direct capital locally to heal, connect, and regenerate the soil and earth.

Healing pulses of capital and peaceful mobilization of people… reconnecting to one another and the places we live and work. ~ Woody

Here are three simple steps to help you start.

  1. Live and eat more simply. Slow down, do less, and buy less. The earth can not sustain 8 billion “consumers” with our current ways of living.
  2. Live, eat, and buy locally as much as possible, especially your food, sourcing from farmers who build soil and ecosystems.
  3. Invest your capital in local people and businesses that are working toward healing the soil and earth.

Peace, love, and soil may be what saves us all. 

53 thoughts on “Slow Money, Humanism, and Nurture Capitalism

  1. Our need for positive change is enormous and our need to honour Mother Nature is key to everything else we must do. We must also integrate rather than separate….all of which is going to take a huge shift in the way we live. Thank you Brad:)X

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Hi my friend, wow, what a brilliant post! I absolutely loved this. Thank you so much for introducing me to Woody Tasch and the Slow Money movement! I resonate very deeply with what you are writing here, and love how you have included suggestions to implement healing steps into our daily lives as well. You know, I have been interested in Shamanism for a long time, and it´s fascinating to me how a lot of what Woody mentions here echoes premises found in Shamanism (aka, the interconnection of everything, and to put nature first). Wishing you a great rest to your week! Abrazos 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Great post, Brad. Having awareness of the issues out there is one of the most important things with such movements. Your last list is a great summary, especially “Invest your capital in local people and businesses…” Working with local businesses is important is they generally care about the community they are in and thus invested in, a will make better decisions. Wish you a nice day and great weekend ahead.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. A lovely informative post, Brad. Earth-friendly funds have been around for a long time, and they’re a great alternative to anyone who doesn’t want to invest in weapons, oil, and war. Money is a form of power, and it makes sense to use it in ways that support local communities and our values. Hugs.

    Liked by 4 people

      • Hi.
        I’ve found you quite by accident. I was thumbing through categories in the reader on my WordPress app on my phone. And when I selected nature, it brought up your blog. And so I was glad and I am glad to have found you.
        I believe strongly in taking care of our mother earth. Without mother earth we will cease to be. It seems to me everyone has forgotten this. So I will look forward to reading and sharing more of your post. Thank you for caring enough to write in such a way about such an awesome incredible subject which many people will not understand or try to embrace.

        Liked by 3 people

  5. An excellent post, Brad. It’s encouraging to hear about different initiatives to help us heal the planet and stop the destruction of the earth, and it’s always good to hear from Wendell Berry. Thanks for summing up the things we can do by ourselves too. Our consumption in wealthier countries (even by people who are not at all wealthy) has a big impact on the forces that are devastating our planet.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. I’ve done my best to invest in local businesses, Brad, and I maintain an example for all to see how I tend to our Earth respectfully. More is not necessarily better so I’ve learned to live my life within the means I have in a qualitative and simple manner. I hope this “movement” gains popularity. Our earth depends on it.

    Liked by 3 people

  7. This is a thoughtful post on the current state of the world, Brad. Woody Tasch has some interesting words on the slow money movement and nurture investing. There are many ways of investing and turn that investment into a means to make the world more sustainable. As you mentioned, investing in local businesses is one way to go. Buy less is also so important – if we want something, doesn’t necessarily mean we have to have it. Great post.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. This is the first I remember hearing about Woody Tasch and “slow money.” It’s comforting and exciting
    to know Slow Money has a website and is well organized. I’d love to contribute if there is ever a group in my city. Until then, I’ll keep shopping for clothes and household items at the mission/nonprofit thrift stores and keep trying to grow a garden. The basil and ginger did well at least. Thank you for this enlightened news! I hope the movement grows and grows.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Amen, Brad! Sounds like a really good place to start. I had only just found local farmer’s markets right before the pandemic hit. Here’s to healing…healing our world and healing every person in it!! Hope you have a wonderful week!

    Liked by 2 people

  10. This post is terrific, Brad. And the comments from the folks who are attracted to your blog are also inspiring. I especially like this obvious insight from Mabel Kwong: “(Just because) we want something, doesn’t necessarily mean we have to have it.” I also am glad to be reminded of my local second-hand clothing stores. One can’t buy underwear there, but one can buy a new (to me) pair of jeans. I hope/trust your new job goes well!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Such a simple premise that has become so hard to follow

    Capitalism, like any manmade system, needs to be harnessed with wisdom

    Capital need not erode our relationships and upturn our priorities

    When wielded with awareness, they can be a source of healing and rejuvenation

    For that to happen, we need to collectively discard some of the false mantras of capitalism and redefine them as you have suggested, so that they are less alienating and more meaningful

    Liked by 1 person

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