Dewy Delights

Dewy Delights

dew, beauty, poetry


earthy aromas

water adorns tiny webs

a sublime beauty



These images were all taken in mom’s yard on my visit to Virginia. It was a magical morning after a light dew from a cool evening. I especially love how the spider webs and water drops form a sparkling mosaic.



Reading a recent post from fellow blogger Tania reminded me that it’s time for another soul break or as I like to call them, soul spaces. Nature is my favorite way to nurture my soul and rest in beingness. This is the post where I changed the name of my series to Soul Spaces and offered some tips for nurturing your soul.



Even walking around the neighborhood and appreciating beauty is a good soul break for me. If you would like a soulful tour of the California coast with Tania, explore this post called taking a soul time out.

Please make time for your soul.

Blessings, Brad

75 thoughts on “Dewy Delights

  1. Hi Brad, I am fortunate to live in the mountains of Murcia, Spain. My soul break / space exists just outside my gate. We feel forever blessed when we go out. I’m about to do a blog about this so I’ll include a few pics to help you visualise.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Something so mesmerizing about dewdrops. I just now returned from a walk. I paused often to stare into dewdrops on fallen leaves. It’s kinda like peering into a tiny universe. 🙂 Thank you for sharing this beauty, Brad.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I stayed quite a while with your first picture, enjoying it deeply and then you gave the words – sublime beauty! All pictures absolutely beautiful. I agree with you- so many magical sights around if we are willing to indulge, that would brings us close to our own soul.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Dew-drops this time of year are like jewels in the morning light… And they also fascinate me especially among spiders webs.. Beautiful images Brad… And like you, I find solace in Nature which rejuvenates my Soul…
    Thank you for sharing… truly enjoyed 😀 🙏💚

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  5. I love these images, Brad. Spider web is very strong. I read about using spider web silk to make clothing. I had a hummingbird nest with a baby hummingbird in it two years ago. The nest is made of spider web and other things, small but very strong. Animals are so clever. The hummingbirds are still living in my garden.

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  6. I agree. I see Black woman asking White women in anguish (on Twitter) if they will support them in their and their families’ daily fight against racism. A crazy premise, anyway, when so many voted otherwise in 2016, but it seems to matter to these Black women. I am not American, but my heart hurts for them.

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