Molting Moments

Molting Moments

Caterpillar by Gayle Fetick


preparing to molt

the destination unknown

a new life awaits


This beautiful post about molting by Andrea got me thinking about the idea of change and transformation.

I’m feeling like a caterpillar getting ready to molt or maybe a bear preparing for hibernation. I’d like to stop everything, hang out, spin a comfy cocoon, and molt into a shiny version of myself! I don’t seem to want to do anything other than read, watch Netflix, eat, and sleep. As I mentioned in the last post, I have several decisions to make, the most important being whether to stay in Fayetteville or move elsewhere. I want to move but have no idea where to go. I’m tired of my life, yet I don’t know where else I would rather live. This is an interesting paradox, with no clear target, a lack of motivation to do much of anything, and a need to move in about a month.

Maybe I’ll just go back to munching on my treats.

63 thoughts on “Molting Moments

  1. In observing the life cycle of those monarchs my daughter was fostering, the molting process (and especially turning into the chrysalis) looked sooo uncomfortable. Change can be hard, but it’s necessary as we go through our own life cycle’s. Just like the monarch’s chrysalis becomes transparent and clear right before it emerges, I hope some clear direction comes to you soon, my friend. ❤🐛🦋

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  2. Nice one Brad. Why is it that the grass always seems greener on the other side of the fence. Do you think that a place, a destination, can change a person? I say this because I’m a home body myself. We build our comfortable routines and dig our selves into a rut which gets deeper and deeper and becomes difficult to climb out of. I have found that I need the quite routine at home but also need to spend a couple of hours a day in the community just to talk to people and get other slices of life…… but we all march to our own drummer. Coming to a decision is the hardest thing but once you make the decision it is very freeing. We all go though these periods no matter the age. Life seems to be full of decision making. I wish you all the best in your decision making.

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    • Thanks for caring and sharing your wisdom Len. Yes, I’ve tended to look for “other” as the solution. Maybe I still am, though this feels like the time to either change the scenery or go deeper into what is here. No doubt, I would benefit from more connecting with others. I haven’t figured out how to do that while working a FT extrovert job that drains me. And yes, decisions are critical.

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  3. lovely poem and so perfectly mirroring for you. i actually think you’re right on target with embracing this cocooning phase while things percolate. rather than rush and force things, sometimes we need to just step back and allow things to unfold. i know there is timing involved here with your month deadline, but maybe this restful short period is bringing clarity and alignment. there’s also the possibility of doing things in steps. i know it’s not fun to move multiple times, but perhaps one move may lead to another and it’s not necessary to know the “final” destination as of yet. just to take a step can help. maybe slowly packing a box or two can start a momentum. in any case, sometimes these periods of not knowing are supportive. something will come. sending you good vibes for this new journey. ❤

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  4. A beautiful poem, Brad and I liked the little one in the picture, munching away. Seriously there will be many who will feel like what you are feeling and just laze around, eating, sleeping and watching NETFLIX the whole day. I think all will be good just take each day as it comes with joy and bliss in yourself.

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  5. I’ve been catching up on reading again Brad… not sure where the time goes or I’m getting nice and lazy❤️ Anyway I love checking in on your journey… and I’m not surprised you are ready to move again… it is in your medicine makeup to flit here and there and sprinkle live in the depths of usa🕺. Saying that relax and trust you’ll know when, where and how at just the right time… in the meantime shine your light and continue publishing your magnificent photos and writing. You are changing the world with each breath you breathe❤️🙏 much love, Barbara x

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      • Yes the worry of having to do something, be busy, earn your way to be something… is all part of the human game to keep us from tuning into our true beingness as powerful creator beings, where everything comes to us when we allow. Have you thought about house, garden and pet sitting? that would allow you to wander around and focus more on your writings to earn you spending money… at least until the world realised it doesn’t need money to receive everything we desire ❤️😘🌈

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  6. Love the picture and I need to catch up with Andrea’s blog too..

    I feel your dilemma Brad.. Its been my experience, ~ When in doubt~ don’t… Just keep sending your thoughts out, imagining the perfect place, the perfect job and envision you already have it..
    Allow the Universe to manifest it, you have sent out your thoughts and before long I am sure something will occur to set you on the path you feel is more suited..

    Sending thoughts and special hugs your way Brad ❤ 🙂

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  7. I understand about being drained by an extrovert job. I hope and believe you’ll find a job that’s a better fit and maybe that could help in your decision making about where to live. I agree with what Sue wrote. Imagining the best worked well for me when the time was right. For everything there is a season. Nice hiking weather coming up I hope. I wish you the best!

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  8. Great poem Brad. I relate to wanting to buffer as I am also in a transition period in life. I think the question to ask is, “What life are you creating?” Make a list of what lights you up or what has lit you up in the past. Instead of knowing the big, final answer can you make steps towards that which has you feel alive today? And it is just ok to take breaks. It is a challenge to be a conscious person on this planet. I have had to fight the sadness today BUT I will not give in. The world needs each of us to stay awake and be who we are. You have much to give.

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    • Thanks for caring and encouraging me Ali. I don’t have clarity so I’m asking for divine help in making choices that I don’t know how to make. And yes, we each need to do the best we can to wake up, and then work together for the good of all.

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  9. Your post sparked some “what if” questions in my head. I’ll share them and challenge you to ask yourself, “what if?”
    What if you moved out of Fayetteville? What if you did exactly what you fear? What if you stayed in the same town forever and ever? What if you never ventured beyond your doorstep? What if there was something waiting for you in a place far, far away but you have no idea what it is, but you know it’s there? What if you found yourself in the Amazonian rain forest? What if you found a miracle in a molting caterpillar?

    Those are just some fun questions that popped into my head as I was reading. Lovely read. And “what if”? 🙃


  10. Uncertainty can be difficult to navigate… floating without a particular direction… I’ve found that life seems to have these different phases, and eventually they too, pass along and make space for the new. You’ve got tremendous support here, Brad, so what can I offer but my vote of confidence in you! Sometimes just taking the pressure off–allowing ourselves to know things are okay even if they seem otherwise–opens the door for fresh inspiration.

    Sending Love

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  11. Sometimes ya gotta just sit still until you’re hit with inspiration. Sometimes you gotta light a fire under your butt. Sometimes, ya gotta do both. I like the “what if” questions that Sageleaf posed. There’s something about asking yourself a question and then letting your subconscious take over. Sometimes the answer comes to you in a dream or a magazine page that you flip open. Sometimes someone unexpected calls on you. It sounds like you’re doing what’s right for you at this time and I think you’ll get your answer before you know it! Can’t wait to hear what you decide. Mona

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  12. Hi Brad,
    I’ve been absent and so this comes as a surprise. I’m sorry you feel so undecided…indecision is one of the worst feelings in the world. If we can get to a decision then we can focus all of our energy on making it happen. No decision and we sit on the couch and watch Netflix…been there…done that!
    I can’t help feel that you need to move closer to your Mom…but hey…that is probably because of my own life.
    I truly hope you can pray and meditate…and ALLOW the answers to come to you. In great friendship…

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  13. I’ve loved reading the comments/suggestions/support and love you’ve received here on your post. I think that should tell you something, Brad. YOU are special, and so many who know you via our blogs know that wherever you go, whatever you decide to do, it will be okay. I’ve found over the years that change has been the hardest thing in my world, and yet change has opened up my world in so many ways – physically and internally. Cocooning, of course, is necessary first. It’s a way to meditate, and then prepare and be ready for the glorious transformation.

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  14. Hmmmm. I too have loved reading the comments, and clearly feel the love with you. Yo DID see Vermont if offering people $10,000 to move there? You could certainly return to nature and a simpler life. And when you miss city life…Boston and Burlington offer some great excursions. It was just a thought….

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  15. Lorrie Bowden took the words out of my mouth….meditate and pray on it and the answer will come. Clear expectations and predetermined concepts…let go of all that….and the answer will come! When it does embrace it and have faith!! My best to you!!

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