Damn the Butterflies

Damn the Butterflies

Damn the butterflies, make magic instead!


I aspire to write like Brooke and Tanya when I grow up!

Brooke wrote her heart in response to some requests from readers and then seemed to apologize for it not being happy with butterflies as requested. Brooke’s piece moved me in ways I can’t even put in words. My mind and body got still and sharp. My focus became one with her words and the moment. I was moved by the honesty, raw and vulnerable, of her words. As Tanya wrote in her comments about the post, “Then I will see if I, too, can turn the horror of the experience into something magical like you did.” Tanya went on to say “Fuck butterflies, everyone knows they are beautiful. No offense to butterflies… but I want you to tell me something I don’t know.”


At the core, this is what I think we want to do with our words as writers; to move people, to take them to new places, new insights, new feelings, and new perspectives. Personally, I’m getting tired of writing the same old feel-good poems about nature and love. Maybe it’s time for me to damn the butterflies, and write something new, original, and hopefully, half as moving as Brooke’s words. Tanya’s comments were a wake-up call to the reality that I’m tired of reading (and writing) my poetry and posts, filled with regurgitated words of wisdom and love. Maybe that’s why I’ve enjoyed writing short stories lately. They help me create something totally new and original, from my mind, heart, and imagination. I want to feel the juice, alive with feeling and authenticity. And just maybe, then I will inspire you to do something authentic in your life.

Here is Brooke’s post called This Time it Was the Apple. As her blog name suggests, Brooke aspires to create magic in her life. She certainly did with these words. I hope they move you too.

Damn the butterflies and full speed ahead!  🙂

43 thoughts on “Damn the Butterflies

  1. You need to write what your heart compels you to write.
    Your poetry is always beautiful, but if you’re not feeling it, short stories will recharge the creative muse inside of you. At the point it will be easier for you to write poetry that you will feel is fresh. Then, you can shift from one to another.

    By the way, doesn’t matter what you post, I will read.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I interpret what Brooke said to mean that the best poems are written in passion and that passion is conveyed to the reader in the poet’s words. It doesn’t mean that butterflies are lovely to write about but, agreed, they may not inspire great passion depending on how you write about them.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thanks Robbie. I aspire to find passion and joy in my writing again. The topic is less important than what it evokes in me and the reader. And really we can’t control others, so I really aspire to find juice in my own writing.

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  3. it’s such a gift when worlds collide and ignite something deep within. so wonderful to hear the passion of that moment when it happened for you in reading brooke’s piece and tanya’s comments. i look forward to whatever you feel inspired to write brad. your excitement excited me! 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  4. A great read and so much truth in what Brooke has to say, Brad. You must write with passion what you want to whether good or bad and go all out for it and I agree with your words sometimes we do not want to write the good stuff it is completely k go where you wish to.

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  5. You write the words of a passion-filled writer who always looks further into his need to fulfill that passion with honesty, truth, and the core of his soul. However those words come out for you, Brad, I’m with you. As long as we write from our insides, out, we are writing well (be it butterflies or battlefields….)

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Ah, yes. The temptation to be saccharine and “safe.” I ran into a fellow writer the other day and she said she was having a “vulnerability hangover.” The fine line we all try to walk . . .

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  7. This is wonderful and insightful, Brad. I agree. There are beautiful poems about nature and love, but there needs to be something different, new, insightful about them to elevate them to the sublime level. Writing to move a reader’s heart, to inspire, to wake them up, to make them cry, remember, sigh, gasp… well that’s writing. I love Tanya’s request – tell me something I don’t know.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. We all need a change sometimes and to do what feels right at the time. I was on a writing course once and the tutor asked me ‘which bits did you really enjoy writing’ – that made me question the story I was writing and made it click which type of writing I really enjoyed. I look forward to seeing where the journey takes you…

    Liked by 2 people

  9. How am I just seeing this!!! I guess maybe cause you didn’t “tag” me or whatever, but I also missed the email alert somehow.
    I don’t even know how to respond, so I’ll just start with gratitude. Thank you, Brad, truly. It means the world that my words moved you this much. Funny, your reaction is the same and exact opposite of what I’m struggling with: I’m so very tired of writing about sad. It’s almost as painful to write about it now as it is to go through it. I know that is partially why we write, to purge our emotions, but I hesitate to post any more for the fear that you all are tired of it too.
    I guess, at the end of the day, we have to write our truth. Isn’t that why we write- to express who we are and hope to connect or speak to others who read our truth? Granted, some “truth-telling” gets to be too much. there is a fine line between true expression and “emotionalism.” Some things are better left locked up in our diaries. That said, to deny the dark is to deny others of our humanity.
    Long/short, writing is just a constant mind-f*ck, at least it is for me. But life can be too…so I guess that’s what I have to write about right now.
    I think Anne Lamott’s quote sums it up perfectly, “Telling the truth in an interesting way turns out to be about as easy and pleasurable as bathing a cat.
    Just keep writing, Brad, that’s really all we ask.
    I’ll end with another favorite quote by Elizabeth Gilbert. “I never promised the Universe I would write brilliantly; I only promised the Universe that I would write.”
    Hugs and shit… 🙂

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    • Thanks for your tender, open, and insightful comments Brooke. Your original post definitely stirred me! I love the quotes about writing. Yes, we write to purge emotions, tell our story/truth, and hopefully connect and/ or help others. I’ve also wrestled with how much of my pain to write about. Thankfully that dark chapter has receded. I hope yours fades too or turns into some wonderful compost for new good. I’m delighted to share the journey with you. Hugs. ❤

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  10. I really enjoyed this post of yours and am grateful to have stumbled upon it today. This is exactly where I am at in my personal and writing journey, having just made the turn and headed into new territory. All the best to all of you, all of us, as we keep reading and writing our way through it! ❤

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  11. Brad, Brooke brought this to my attention a while back and I had meant to respond to you at the time but life has been a bit bananas and I also probably saw something shiny and that was it for me. Before my site disappears tomorrow, along with my identity as the incurable dreamer, I wanted to pop on here and say thank you and let you know how much your support and kindness has meant to me. Thank you for being moved by the things that I have written and for finding something meaningful in the truth I have offered, whether in my posts or comments. To know that my words have reached and inspired you touches my heart and makes me thankful that I found the courage to write them. You read them. That in itself was enough. But they also altered your thinking and that, to me, is priceless. Every ounce of truth and tears was worth it. You are a wonderful human, Brad. My wish for you is peace, happiness and courage. Go find the spark that will ignite the fire in your soul and live each day with uninhibited bliss, my friend. You are worth it and deserve to enjoy each and every moment. See you around on Instagram! You are amazing. Never forget it. Hugs ‘n shit.

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    • Dang Tanya. I don’t know whether to blush or cry. Your words have again touched me deeply. I’m grateful to know you and have connected via our blogs. I hope to find the spark you mention. Meanwhile, I’ll keep plugging along, grateful to have met you and so many other wonderful people on WordPress. Big Hugs ‘n Shit! 🙂

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