National Treasures

National Treasures

The Narrows, Buffalo River, AR by David Dedman


crystal clear waters

soft clouds pass lush green mountains

beautiful treasures



Sadly our beautiful Buffalo River is being polluted by hog farms moving into the surrounding lands. Despite research showing the harm and voracious protests, the state has continued to grant permits for large scale hog farming. The Buffalo River was once so pristine it was selected as the country’s first National River. Now, it routinely has algae blooms from the excess fertilizer and hog farm runoff. When will we learn?

51 thoughts on “National Treasures

  1. A fabulous photograph and words, but I am sad to hear that over farming is causing problems for this beautiful water way. We must learn to live in harmony with the land and nature around us…..Thank you once again for a brilliant post. Janet 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. gorgeous photo! and beautiful haiku brad…it truly saddens my heart to consistently hear more of these kinds of stories. thank you for highlighting the beauty and gift nature provides for us, as a way to remember our connection to her ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Beautiful words and beautiful photograph! I often wonder in the dead of night if we will ever be able to change what is happening. It seems so huge a problem to be solved. Hopefully when the upcoming indictments happen we will see many of these closed minded politicians removed from office and maybe even in prison. Treason should not go unpunished, ever! Then we will have made space for new minds and new thinkers! Until such time about all we can do is speak out and help clean up….Someone needs to write and photograph a before and after book of all the sacred places being destroyed. People need to see what is happening….Thanks for sharing…VK 🙂

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  4. A beautiful haiku capturing the magic of the stunning landscape. It’s sad that is has become so polluted and how many times will we have to ask: will we ever learn? The answer alas is a resounding no!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. What a gorgeous view – and how sad to hear it’s being polluted. When will people learn, indeed – when they have no other choice left, it seems! There are lots of positive developments in the area of plastic waste pollution and such – I hope people who have woken up to the seriousness of mother Earths plight will turn the tide! ♥

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  6. The sad thing is humans keep taking and taking. Once everything is completely lost (which will be obviously too late) – only then will we learn…the hard way 😕

    Liked by 1 person

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