Crystalline Dreams

Crystalline Dreamssnow, beauty, poetry





white portraits

crystalline dreams

winter wonderland

birds, berries, buds, and snow

nature playing with contrasts

a delicate dusting of white

beautiful visions dance in my heart

gratitude for nature’s snowy surprise

~beauty, snow

We finally had some snow here in NW Arkansas! We haven’t had more than a dusting in 5-6 years. It was so nice to wake up to a layer of snow covering the grass, walks, and deck, and creating a fresh blanket of white to contrast nature’s skeletal winter structures. I took a walk around my new neighborhood, photographing and soaking up the beauty and cold fresh air. I must admit that I wouldn’t want 3 months of bitter cold and snow, but it sure is fun for a change. The dusting of snow and ice covering the pine needles inspired the title and my second etheree poem.

May your week be full of winter wonders.

38 thoughts on “Crystalline Dreams

      • One day I threw a stone into the air. I lost sight of it but quickly caught sight of a butterfly. I was about five. I thought the stone had turned into a butterfly. I tried it again a few times with different stones and when it didn’t work I told myself it was a special stone and very rare.


  1. Brad, a delightful poem and I can sense your joy and wonder at this winterland! 😀 It is pure magic … when just for a few days. Since we haven’t had any snow at all, I’m especially enjoying your poem and photos, living it through your experiences!


  2. Snow is nice once in a while, isn’t it!? We’re in month 3 and counting of winter wonderland here in Maine. The winter has been a mild one in terms of snowfall, but plenty of wind this year. Just had snow and freezing rain today, but it should melt. The snowbanks, though, are going to take some time…


    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes Michael. I find the snow beautiful. I’m delighted you’re enjoying being in a winter wonderland. I haven’t been to Maine but always heard good things. I’m more likely to visit in the summer. 🙂


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