Awesome Stories 375

This week Awesome Stories brings you love, soul food, and digital holidays.

Love and gratitudesunset, fire, poetry

This episode will be the last Awesome Stories for now. My interest in these stories has been waning for a while. I need to find what inspires me. It may not even be writing. Lately, I seem to have to force myself to write and that is no fun! So I’m listening to my inner voice and will likely take a break from writing and blogging to see if I find inspiration or clarity as to what is next. Or maybe I’ll come back full of passion for writing and connecting online. Either way, this 6-year blogging journey and 5-year run of Awesome Stories has been delightful. I’ve made heart connections around the world, broadened my views, learned about distant lands and cultures, and found a joy for sharing ideas. I am very grateful for this amazing blogging journey!

Thank you for touching my heart and broadening my life.

Feed Your Soul

Here is a fun article by Martha Beck on 6 Ways to Feed Your Soul. I resonate with all 6 of her ideas; being still, nature, connection, talking it out, wisdom, and music. Music and time in nature are two of my favorites, but what I probably most need are more stillness and connection with friends. I also like her summary of wisdom from traditions around the world; love, peace, unity, and compassion. May you find what nourishes your soul and partake routinely! Touch is another soul food for me and being single, I don’t get nearly enough. Hugs for all!

Digital Detox

Many of us have become dependent or even addicted to our digital devices. Studies show that too much digital time can increase depression, anxiety, and aggression. Taking breaks can give us time to wind down, refresh, recharge, and listen for the whispers of our soul. In case you’re not convinced, here is an article highlighting the health benefits of taking a digital break.

And we don’t have to take an extended break, we can carve out blocks of time away from our devices like an hour before bed, during meals, the first hour of the day, etc. It’s good to put limits on our digital use. I’m considering a digital break to see if I find some inspiration for my life.

Meanwhile, for those of you who like feel-good stories, here are some of my favorite sources; The Daily Good, Brain PickingsGreen Renaissance and Mike Rowe’s Returning the Favor


May your week be full of soul food, love, and inspiration. 

46 thoughts on “Awesome Stories 375

  1. Great thoughts, Brad. I have to do a “digital detox” now and then too. (Love that term!) I acknowledge the value of and need to be informed, but on days when I can avoid the news completely I do much better. Happy weekend hugs.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Thank you, dear Brad for all the awesomeness you have brought to us over the years. Many of these stories have stayed with me. But I understand that you want to see what inspires you. In the beginning when I started blogging 5 years ago this week, I had the ambition to blog regularly. Then it became a burden, like “work” that I had to do. That’s when I decided that I will blog only when “the spirit falls on me” (a Swedish say) and that “burden “ was lifted 😁 So now I blog when I enjoy writing. I hope to see you here from time to time, but first and foremost I wish you a wonderful journey of discovery ❤️ Hugs!

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    • Thanks for the wonderful words and encouragement Helen. It may be that I simply need to do what you did and give myself permission to write and post when and what I want when the spirit falls on me. 🙂 I really like that expression and hope to find more passion and clarity. Thank you for sharing and improving the journey! ❤ Hugs and blessings…

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  3. Thanks Brad for being your authentic self and once again speaking your truth. There’s nothing worst than forcing to do something that you love. This morning I had a thought about you, it was this; You’re sharing inspirational and awesome stories but don’t forget that you’re awesome too. I didn’t quite understand why that was passing through my mind about you! Maybe it has something to do with your feelings at the moment. 🤔love, light and blessings🙏

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  4. You’ll find many of us wanting to… just be quiet now… all your beautiful work has brought so many of us together… and it would be awesome to compile your 5 years awesome stories into a free ebook for others to read and become aware of all the great living and inspiration there is. How’s your new job Brad and what are your summer plans? Much love, barbara x

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  5. Such a beautiful post Brad with so many important home truths. I love the links you’ve shared and I always love that you write from the heart. Stay well Brad in all you do, rest if you need to and I wish you peace and love in your days and in your desire to refocus. Sometimes it’s just what we need. xx ❤️

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  6. Moving forward. Finding direction. This is what life is all about. Good for you for recognizing that you want to try something different, instead of forcing it. I have thoroughly enjoyed your awesome stories. I’ve enjoyed your writing so much! Sometimes by taking a break, we feel the pull of other things that we’ve wanted to do all along.
    When I left my Pictimilitude blog and tried the coloring pages for awhile, it was this same sense of “I need something else” that filled my heart. I didn’t blog for awhile. I came back with Intuitive and Spiritual and while there are weeks when I wonder about it feeling like so much work, I always am able to set that aside for the love of connection and writing that I have.
    All that to say that sometimes taking a step back is exactly what we need. 🙂

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    • I hope to follow your good example Cynthia or at least find my own version of what next, which may be very similar. It may just be I need a break and permission to post more organically and less on a schedule! 🙂


  7. Excellent post. I do ‘digital detoxes’ every time I go away…and it feels great. Also I find that taking time out from my work is often most rewarding. It is during these times that insight and inspiration occur when least expected and without any seemingly effort on my part. It’s as if the unseen magic in the world is showing me that when I remove myself, often times stuff happens that I am otherwise never creative enough to work out. Hope you enjoy beautiful days ahead. Janet 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  8. Brad, the awesomess that you connect to all the time is part of who you are, and whatever form it takes, it’ll be great for the people you encounter, and most importantly for yourself. My hope for you (only if it matches your wishes for yourself) is freedom to do what you want to do and while still being able to express your sense of meaningful consistency. I truly appreciate meeting you here at writingtofreedom and thank you for touching my heart. Aloha, Ka

    Liked by 2 people

    • You’re most welcome Ka. I appreciate you and your very kind words. These connections and moments are a big part of why I keep blogging. Now, I want to discover if I really enjoy the process of writing and blogging. Heart hugs!

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  9. Good for you for recognizing that you need a break and honoring the impulse. That goes right to the point of Digital Detox, which I’ve found to be an amazing experience when I truly and honestly disconnect for days. It’s so amazing it’s sort of freaky. It feels (to me) like waking up. So enjoy. You’re an inspiration!

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  10. Your Awesome Stories have done a lot of good – spreading ripples of love, joy, and kindness into the world. I understand about needing to take care of ourselves and being true to our journey. I’m getting hear a little late because I’m trying to cut back on computer time so the story about digital breaks is right on time. Thank you for your dedication over the years, Brad. I’m very glad I got to read your work and hope to read more some day if that works out. Whatever you do will be worthwhile. I’m sure of it. My good wishes and prayers go with you.

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  11. Can’t begin to tell you how much I have appreciated your “awesome stories” and truly get needing to take a break! Just want you to know you have had a positive impact on so many people! Take care of yourself!

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  12. I love how you share resources and highlight worthy reads and videos Brad. Martha Beck is one of my favourite authors and advisors. I am re-reading (and glancing over at) her book “Steering by Starlight” as I type this. If you haven’t checked it out yet, you should! And cheers to a digital detox as we head into the long weekend (here in Canada). Have the most awesome Friday Brad! 🙂 🙂

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  13. Agree with your perspective and what others said. Hard to get much our of doing something you don’t feel like doing – and it’s like you don’t have a sense of purpose of you feel forced to do something you really find interesting. Sometimes I feel that way with writing, even writing about topics I’m passionate about. When this happens I take a break and usually come back feeling energised about writing again. A digital detox can help us unplug and refocus on the goals that we want to achieve. Good luck in finding inspiration and creativity once again, Brad 🙂

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