Awesome Stories 346

This week brings you biomimicry, sacred service, and rising up.


I love that designers and manufacturers are finally learning from nature to design products and processes that are more compatible with the natural world. The ultimate goal is life cycle production where there won’t be any waste from manufacturing at all. Janine Benyus is a biologist, author, and innovator at the leading edge of biomimicry. Below are two videos (long or short versions) showing real-world examples of how we are learning from nature’s wisdom to design a better world. You can learn more on biomimicry’s website or the videos below.

Sacred Service

This article by Charles Eisenstein speaks to a deeper calling that monks and mystics have followed for eons. But in our modern world, it is hard to follow the call of the soul to serve the good of others over your own ego needs and wants. Charles calls this the Age of We as we are learning to live and create new systems that support the good of all over the benefit of the few. Hopefully, he is right that his talk on Oprah is a harbinger of progress in that direction. Charles is a deep thinker who clearly is following his inner call to service and writing insightful books like Spiritual Economics, The Ascent of Humanity, and The More Beautiful World Our Heart Knows is Possible. Learn more about Charles on his about page.

Stand Full and Rise Upempowerment, Awesome Stories

This is a beautiful and empowering post by Cristen Rodgers called Stand in Your Fullness. Her words resonate with power and truth. Clearly, Cristen has found the love and compassion we all seek. She speaks clearly to the searching and then finding of her inner power and richness. It starts with embracing all of yourself, especially those parts you believe are dark and unloveable. Once we embrace it all, then we find compassion and love for all. And from this fullness, we have much to offer the world. Kudos Cristen. I celebrate your fullness.

Here’s a beautiful video that speaks to women rising up and embracing their fullness. Rise up, we need you.

May we all learn to stand in our fullness!

27 thoughts on “Awesome Stories 346

  1. Loved that last video. How empowering. 🙂 And of course, I always look forward to these posts. I love seeing what you come up with each week because it reminds me that there is a lot of good still in the world.

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  2. Huh. Losing my mind again. I could have sworn I commented earlier when I read this post.
    Wanted to tell you that this week I love the Charles Eisenstein piece best. It’s an interesting perspective he has shared, isn’t it?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow, Brad, what a post! I watched all 3 videos but I have to say the last one actually made me cry. I have a lump in my throat as I write these words to you. For so long we have been seeing such horrid events around the globe and how the power seemingly has gone to the few. With this new technology and the ideology of women coming together as sisters and Rising together, it’s just so powerful. Your post has given me such great hope that there is coming a day that we will stop hurting this Earth and learn how to live harmoniously with Her. Thank you for this post. Many more need to read this! 👏👏👏

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