Awesome Stories 338

This week Awesome Stories brings you a loving view of anger, the potential in algae, and the kindness bus.

Magic Algae DomeAlgae Dome, Awesome Stories

Reading this article on Ikea’s Space10 creation called the Algae Dome, one might think algae is a superfood with the potential to save the planet. At the very least, Ikea researchers hope to demonstrate the many benefits of algae for sustainable food production. Their Algae Dome is a system for growing algae meant to highlight the vast potential in algae. It is the fasted growing plant with great food potential due to its high protein, mineral, and vitamin content. The team produced a whopping 450 Liters of algae in 3 days, highlighting how easy and fast algae grows. They hope to inspire others to consider how algae can become a sustainable food source. It can also reduce CO2 and other emissions. Thank you Ikea, and keep the sustainable innovations coming.

Anger as Compassion

Anger truly felt is the essential living flame of being fully alive and fully here. ~ David Whyte

David Whyte offers a truly unique perspective on anger, what it means, and how we might use it to our benefit. David considers anger to be caring to such a deep level that we don’t have the current capacity to handle. According to David, what we call anger is when we are overwhelmed by the accompanying vulnerability, and how it exceeds our mind and body’s capacity to hold it. This view of anger offers us the potential to make peace with our anger and the accompanying overwhelm, realizing that anger is offering us a chance to grow our capacity for vulnerability, and in turn grow more love, compassion, and understanding. This article and book, Consolations, also reflect on the role of forgiveness to help us become more mature.

The Kindness Bus

Bob Votruba has been traveling around the country in a converted school bus for the last 8 years. After the mass shooting at Virginia Tech (when will we learn?), he decided to focus on spreading kindness as a way to counter the culture of bullying, hate, and violence. Bob bought a school bus, invited his friends to share kindness messages that were painted on the bus, and started traveling to spread his message of love and kindness. Bob’s goal is to share a million acts of kindness along the way and encourage others to join him in the kindness bus. Recently, he’s added bike rides to counter bullying and domestic violence. Together we can change the world. Thank you Bob!

With the continuing tragedies of violence in our country and around the world, more love and understanding are clearly needed. When we choose to love in the face of fear, pain, and loss, we become a force for good. Please join Bob, me, and the many brave souls working to spread love and kindness. kindness, Awesome Stories

Blessings, Brad


29 thoughts on “Awesome Stories 338

  1. The algae dome and anger article stimulate the mind to think outside the box, but to sell all your possessions to live on a bus spreading one million acts of kindness, that one goes right to the heart and makes me smile deep.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Love so much of this, Brad, but I have to comment on the kindness bus!! Ah! I love it…and I really wish to see this bus in person. I simply love it when someone puts this kind of energy and fortitude into a message from their heart!!
    And, as always, I think the same about you for sharing these awesome stories with passion and commitment.
    Hope your week starts with really good feelings 💜

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m loving that piece about the bus really makes me smile. 🙂 I could get on board with the whole million acts of kindness. Hehe. Great post as always. I definitely look forward to these each week.

    Liked by 1 person

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