Soul Whispers

Soul Whispers National Poetry Month


whispers from the void

our soul is always available

no matter the hour or

how little we heed the call

our soul waits patiently

quietly listening, nudging and calling

when we are ready, the gate opens

filling us with the peace of God

and the wisdom of our heart,

don’t wait, answer the call


I’m going to answer the call for more poetry. NaPoWriMo is the National Poetry Writing Month, created by Maureen Thorson, a poet living in Washington, DC, to motivate and support writers in creating more poetry. The goal is to write one poem each day during the month of April. I’ll likely only write a few each week. Each day a poet is featured, along with daily prompts and tips.

May your words be inspired by the whispers of your soul. Blessings, Brad

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