Call of the Wild

Call of the Wild

wild west, attraction, poetry


the frontier remains

borders to an unknown time

rattle in my heart


the beauty remains

hidden in distant feelings

calling to come home


I wrote the first verse without any conscious thought, but then rewrote it because it didn’t make any logical sense. The second verse is my conscious mind’s attempt to describe the longing and unknown quality of Colorado for me. Which do you prefer and why.

Colorado was the first and only place that I have lived that was not lush and green. It felt foreign, yet wild and exciting to me. 20 years after leaving Boulder, CO, the vistas, beauty, and feelings still tug at my heart. I’ve tried to move on and let go, but Colorado has deeply marked me in ways I can’t understand or rationalize. Do you have a place that is locked in your heart for the beauty or feelings evoked?

May peace and beauty live in your heart.

54 thoughts on “Call of the Wild

  1. I don’t know, Brad, seems to me the first one makes a lot of sense!!! In fact, if you take it as a whole, it means EVERYTHING! And I will leave this comment open-ended deliberately because it means nothing to be TOLD what it means. Blessings and love friend 💚 Sometimes (most times-ALLtimes) our souls know and wait for our brains to catch up 😙

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  2. I love the whole as the whole of it. I know that longing feeling. Sometimes it is for Home. Sometimes the ocean. I live near Colorado, so I know what you mean about its beauty. I love where I live, but the choice between mountains and ocean was a hard one, though I know it was the best one. Do you ever get back there for visits?

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  3. Separate germinations of the same seed. Sometimes when they make no sense to the poet, the words are intended for the reader. There are two places, two of many, where I lived as a child, each for only one year, that are indelible in my soul for reasons similar. One was Old Say Brook, CT, the other, Sea Cliff, NY. Both I refer to as Norman Rockwellian in many ways.

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  4. I think I would prefer the first one, Brad. Seems to be a wonderful area where you have been. My favorite place is Kefalonia in Greece. It moves me and makes me write poems, too. Have a nice day, regards Mitza

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  5. My first thought was the second one….then it seems like it only works because the two actually go together!! Love Colorado!! We lived in the Denver area for many years before we moved to San Diego! Worked in Boulder for awhile….love the flatirons and the vibe of the town!!! I understand the pull….could live there again in a heart beat!!

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  6. I love the stanzas together. They complement one another beautifully and give me as the reader a sense of completion of thought or concept.


  7. Colorado. Born and raised. So, I moved to North Carolina when I was 22 to get a change of scenery, but I’ll always be a mountain person. I live in the Appalachian ones, now, as opposed to the Rockies. But…the call of the Wild, the Call of the West with those amazing rock formations, the wonderful pine scents, the Pikes Peak Granite that’s not found anywhere else, the red sand…yeah…I still love all that. 🙂
    Have gone back to work. Whew! It’s been busy but hopefully this year will be a little easier than the last. 😉

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  8. Wonderful Cynthia. I didn’t know you were from CO. I grew up near DC so the Rockies were amazing on my first sighting and I still love so much about the region as you so aptly described. I hope your new year is easier too. Kudos on work you enjoy.

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  9. Both are very good but I like the first best…without knowing exactly what you were writing about I could feel your longing as I read it…its haunting and I love that! And really it is just my opinion but emotions and logic don’t usually go hand in hand. The first verse makes me excited to read more of you! im glad to be following your blog! 🙂


      • Well thank you for the kind welcome! And i just noticed you shared one of my post! Super sweet of you! Your feelings definitely came shining through if you ask me! Logical sense is over rated in my book I’ll take raw emotion any day! 🙂

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  10. Your words evoke my feelings about Australia, where I lived from 2008-2009. Like your Colorado, it was the first place I’d lived that wasn’t green and lush. To this day I miss Australia on a level I don’t quite understand; the land, the sun, the earth, its people imprinted very deeply. I can’t wait to visit again. Thanks for reminding me how special it is to me. ❤ Aleya

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  11. Brad, this is a perfect first line ~ it gives off a feeling, and as I think we all look for a frontier that calls for us in life there is inspiration in those words and it also sets the reader up the for a real truth of life: “the beauty remains, hidden in distant feelings” which is why we always continue to search for this frontier throughout our lives. I believe that to be a very good thing 🙂

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  12. The two parts compliment each other. The first is unsettling, the second moves toward something to stabilize. Ever since I heard John Denver sing “Rocky Mountain High” when I was a teenager, I’ve longed to go to Colorado. I’ve never been. But I also love places lush and green. Maybe I’ll pass through Boulder on my way to Oregon.

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