Awesome Stories 269

This week Awesome Stories brings you seeds of joy, library services, inspired action, beautiful fungi and silence.

Planting Seeds

This short video really touched me. I felt waves of joy, sadness and happiness wash over me. One of the lyrics is about planting seeds and letting go. Whatever grows will grow and whatever dies will die. It’s a good reminder that we can plant seeds, but we don’t control the outcome, so let go and allow life to flow. And while I’m in this state, it’s time plant some seeds of joy!  🙂

Inspired Action

I can no longer watch as partisan gridlock threatens our future and that of communities around the country. We need commonsense reform—and we need it en masse, yesterday.

political reform, Awesome StoriesThis young woman certainly knows her passions and purpose. At only 24, Erin Schrode has stepped into the challenge of running for the US Congress in District 2, California. Her passions for education, citizen action, environmental care and justice led her to decide to run for public office. She never aspired to be a politician, but realized that she wanted to help bring about reform. Her ideas and motivations are truly inspiring. Read the article for the rest of her story.

Libraries for Social Services

I love this idea! Libraries around the country are starting to offer social services. Libraries have long served as safe havens for the homeless, but it’s only recently that they’ve decided to build on that opportunity. The public library in San Francisco decided to offer the services of a social worker on site. Other libraries are exploring what kinds of social services are needed and can be best offered on the premises. Arizona libraries offer nursing services, and the Queens, NY library offers legal help, shelter and food.

Beautiful Fungiorange fungi, Awesome Stories

I’ve seen some interesting fungi, but nothing like the beautiful varieties that Steve Axford has captured. He clearly embraces his role as nature steward in the Northern Rivers area of New South Wales, Australia and loves to explore her beauty and connections. This fascination has led to a stunning gallery of fungi photos as only someone who loves their subject could capture. Like Steve, photography is often a way for me to slow down and see the world more intimately.

Silence is Golden

How often do you sit in silence? Scientists are finding that silence is good for our brains and can help restore brain cells and their functioning. If you don’t already spend time in quiet, maybe this article will be the motivation you need. The article talks about silence and meditation which we can do anywhere, but my favorite place to be quiet is nature. For me, time in nature is not only refreshing, but a re-calibration, letting go of the distractions of daily life to rest in the beauty of my soul, which naturally resonates with nature. However you do it, spend some time relishing the silence. Your body, brain and soul will thank you!

May you find the peace inside.

15 thoughts on “Awesome Stories 269

  1. A great batch of stories, Brad. I think it’s exciting that Erin is running for congress. That’s pretty amazing. I hope she wins! And the fungi pictures were incredible. I feel very warm and cuddly after reading my Sunday paper here today, my friend, and am going to go regenerate some brain cells in silence… 🙂


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    • Thanks for the catch Michael. I just noticed that mistake as I was responding to comments! I hope Erin wins too and more young people are inspired to get involved with politics and social change. How wonderful that my digital paper could warm your heart and mine too with your comment. Thanks Michael. Enjoy the silence…. 🙂

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