Happy 4 Year Anniversary!

Happy 4 Year Anniversary!4 year WordPress anniversary


This is a short and sweet post to express my gratitude for you being part of my writing, blogging, and self-discovery. Along the way, I’ve discovered new joys, new pains, hidden strength and amazing friends on WordPress. Thank You!

My blog was started just over 4 years ago as an attempt to find peace, joy and new creative expressions. I’ve had a blast writing about topics ranging from compassion, love and peace to inspiring stories with occasional forays into play and silliness. Poetry is the most soulful for me, but I don’t feel inspired to write poetry daily like some of you. Playful posts seem the most refreshing. And I typically write what is real and bubbling inside me, rather than some prescription of what I should write. I believe it’s important that we honor our inner muse and spirit.

Admittedly, I still find it incredibly difficult to know my highest dreams, desires and choices. This is one of my persistent challenges and frustrations, but that is a post for another day. Today, we are celebrating our blogging community. Without your likes, comments and connections, I would not have persisted in this blogging journey. You are the reason I write and continue. Thank You!

4 year blogging anniversaryStats are a fun way to watch the growth of my blog and community. Together, we’ve built over 1007 subscribers, 9593 visitors and 36,422 views. Not bad for something I started 4 years ago on a whim and nudge from a friend. Thank you Eric Huber!

A Parting Muse

for now I must bid adieu.

this day I’m feeling blue

for treasures lost and true

tempered by thoughts of you


you make the days shine

in this stretch of time

your gifts a treasure sublime

for this heart of mine


Thank you my dear readers, writers and friends. May we share the journey with as much love, fun and compassion as possible.

Blessings, Brad

64 thoughts on “Happy 4 Year Anniversary!

  1. Heyyyyy Gorgeous Brad,

    Thank you for inviting us into your warm and textured space. We are blessed to know you through your creative love energy.

    I am SO GLAD to have you in my world, guy.

    Hugs and love and more love,

    Allison XXX

    …… and cake? We should totally have cake. 🍰🍰🍰😘

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Happy 4th anniversary, Brad! 🙂 This November will be 4 years that I too have been here on WordPress, and I’m so thankful for friends like you that I’ve found through blogging. I sincerely appreciate you and have enjoyed reading every single post you’ve shared. Keep honoring your inner muse! Love and blessings to you…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. A great milestone Brad. I hope you can root your feet in the earth and stand tall and proud of all the light you have created by sharing your journey and gifts here on this blog. I am so glad I clicked on my reader this morning…..it doesn’t happen very often these days. Live life in full bloom my friend. The sunshine is calling to you my dear friend.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. My very dear friend it is a mighty pleasure to wish you a happy, happy anniversary!! I am so grateful that you have been a friend of mine and I am so happy for you because you continue to explore and to ‘play’ and to be open to what may lie ahead! Much love to you, Brad! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Congratulations Brad! You’ve offered so much to your readers, and I’ve enjoyed seeing you grow as a writer! I’ve appreciated your authenticity and honesty, your caring for the earth and all the positive news you bring us, and your beautiful musings on being human/divine beings!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. flags are flying for you today… congratulations and its a pleasure to be part of your space now and again… and one step of a time… enjoy the moment and the rest will all fit into place… I love it that you are honouring yourself with posting what you feel is ok and not what is expected and right… I haven’t posted this week cause i’m in bed with a tummy bug so taking a week off… love to you Brad, you’re doing just great… Barbara x

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Hello Brad… Congratulations you have done well… and I love it that you allow yourself to post as you feel and not what is expected or right for bloggers or writers to do… Thats what makes a person great and the rest of your life will flow in when you enjoy each moment, holding your highest vision of yourself and life… (Maybe a vision board might help if you feel need) Take care, Love Barbara x

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Hello Brad… Congratulations on your great blogging anniversary… and how wonderful it has been to be with you when time has allowed… We are all blooming in our own unique ways, IAM so happy you post when you feel for it and not according to others or what is right…. otherwise we are being so unloving towards ourselves. As for not knowing all of you just yet… continue enjoying each moment of each day and everything will show itself to you in time. Just allow your highest desire to unfold within you… and so it is done.
    Take care, Barbara x

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  9. Dearest Brad, It is my pleasure to have found you here on WP and to be part of this amazing journey on WordPress..
    Congratulations upon your 4th successful year of Blogging and I love your Awesomeness and I am sure your own journey will soon surpass the many frustrations life often throws at us in order to get our attention..

    Loved your poem, and You have made many of my days here visiting shine my friend.. Love and Light Your way my friend..
    And here’s to many more fantastic posts xxx
    ❤ Sue

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  10. Hi Brad,

    Congratulations my friend! It has truly been a joy connecting and I’ve found some wonderful ideas and writing here. I look forward to many more moments of inspiration, which you are so gifted at offering here…


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