Awesome Stories 226

This week Awesome Stories brings you symmetrical beauty, floating farms, seaside murals, heart music and passionate service.

Geometric Beautysymmetry, nature, Awesome Stories

I love the symmetry and flow of these plants. They speak to some deep well of beauty and balance for me. How about you? Do these photos of geometrical plants speak to you? I also love macro photography, showing the beauty in the details of nature and her many shapes, colors and textures. If you’re interested, you can visit my Pinterest board called micro beauty. May your heart be filled with beauty. 🙂

Solar Powered Floating Farm!

What a cool idea. This is a creative design project from Forward Thinking Architecture, with a three-tiered floating structure to harvest solar energy, water, and food from one efficient structure. The premise is that using water areas allows more areas to grow food. The bottom floor focuses on aquaculture and water desalination. The second floor is for hydroponic food, and the top floor is for solar and water collection. It’s built from rectangular 200×350 meter modules that connect with other modules via walkways according to how much harvest is wanted. They estimate each module would produce 8,152 tons of vegetables and 1,703 tons of fish each year. That sounds like a good harvest!

Journey to the Heart

I’ve discovered this delightful pianist called Bernward Koch. This video is accompanied by gorgeous photography to guide us back home to our hearts. Peace out!

Transforming Prisons

I’ve written previously of various groups working to reform our prisons and justice systems. Clearly, we have an out of control justice system in the US with a larger prison population than any other country in the world. The #Cut50 initiative is building on the progressive work of other groups like Restorative Justice of Oakland working to reform our justice system. What I like is not only their bold goal to reduce the prison population by 50% by 2025, but the diverse group of people working together to bring about transformation. #Cut50 has some powerhouse leaders and groups with track records for success that I hope can reform our prison and justice systems.

Delightful Seaside MuralsHula murals, Awesome Stories

Sean Yoro, aka Hula, creates these delightful seaside murals around NYC. Besides being beautiful and meticulous in detail, he paints them while floating on his surfboard! I guess he wanted to keep his Hawaiin roots alive. The images are very realistic and appear to float just above the water. I’d love to see them in person.

 Saving Lives in Asia

Kay Eva is passionate about reducing poverty and saving lives in Cambodia. While on a trip to bring supplies to a rural village, she was struck by the extremes of poverty that would cause a family to sell a child in order to feed their other children. After talking with friends and soul searching, she decided to teach women to sew, giving them a practical means to support their families. Her charity, Stitches of Hope, has grown to address housing, AIDS, water and many other needs of the villagers. I admire her passion and dedication to help.

May your heart hum with the music of love!

34 thoughts on “Awesome Stories 226

  1. Holy Guacamole!!! I’ll get right to it — Kay and her amazing “Stitches of Hope” just filled my heart with so much sunshine!! What an incredible woman. It’s simply astounding how much impact one person can have! And your dreamy piano music/video is something I shall return to again and again. What a perfect way to end a stressful day. Thanks for sharing your heart for yet another wonderful week!! 💞

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I too am enthralled by the intricate beauty of nature. So many designs to absorb. I do photography from a unique perspective -often making fruits and vegetables obscure so people can see them in a new light, hopefully with a new appreciation.
    Look forward to continuing to exploring your blog.
    learningtocry.wordpress. com

    Liked by 1 person

  3. The seaside murals by Hula are very evocative. The way he thinks outside the box to create a traditional art form in a non-traditional manner is inspiring. In true artist form, he creates intensely beautiful portraits while only revealing a piece of the entire story, leaving the mind of the viewer to draw his/her own conclusions about the story of the subject. Thanks for sharing, Brad – this really helped to fulfill by daily mantra of “inspire and be inspired” 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • You are most welcome Dave. I find your comments to be thoughtful and full of their own creative insights. Thanks for being part of my support, encouragement and inspiration. I wonder if daily inspiration works like a vitamin for the soul? 🙂 may you be full of inspiration, joy and creativity…

      Liked by 1 person

      • I certainly think it does, Brad. In fact, along a slightly different vein, but still holding the same undertone, I have always felt that daily inspiration is like caffeine for the soul 😉

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  4. Wonderful stories this week, Brad. Those geometrical plant photos definitely speak to me, nature is so freaking amazing! 🙂 I love the idea of the floating farms, more things like that really need to start catching on, don’t you think? I also enjoyed the story about Kay Eva and her passion to reduce poverty and save lives in Cambodia – stories about humanitarian efforts always tug at my heart…

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Very cool, Brad. I love the murals and the sea-based farm units. Those seem pretty interesting. There have been a number of commercial farms on land to combine aquaculture with vegetable growing due to the synergies between the two. I think linking multiple systems together like this is key to creating sustainable and productive agricultural systems modeled more closely upon the intelligence of the natural world…


    Liked by 1 person

  6. I adore these posts. So eclectic and thought provoking. I would love to be involved in a think tank on reforming the justice system. It is such a deeply complex and emotional issue where we are paying the price for level of thinking that simply doesn’t produce good enough results. I love the sustainable agriculture idea so much too! Thanks Brad.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Agreed Lisa, it is a complex and important topic. We need to create better systems for helping people change, rather than the current prison/ punishment system. Maybe you could find a local group working on reform? I appreciate your enthusiastic support! 🙂


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