Imagine Peace

For many of us, war is clearly not the answer. Let’s try peace.

Hoi, Vietnam

photo of Hoi, Vietnam by Kirk Lanier

For inspiration, we can draw on John Lennon’s beautiful song and vision for a world united in peace, Imagine.

As part of my commitment to peace, bloggers for peace, and the truth of who I am, I dedicate this post to peace.

 Imagine the impact we could make if every day the internet was awash in creativity, beauty, energy, emotion, and positive vibrations about Peace. ~ B4Peace 

I’d like to help create an energy of peace for Syria and the Middle East. As much as I understand and even admire people willing to protest the wrongs of wars, governments and injustice, I don’t believe it creates the right conditions for peace. To create peace, we must send out the energy of peace in our thoughts, feelings, and actions.

If we have no Peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.  ~ Mother Teresa

If you are politically minded, here is a thoughtful post by FCNL, with good questions to encourage better dialog and maybe peace.

This week is a week filled with possibility. Can we use these powerful feelings, histories, and events as fuel for a new way of living based on peace? Are we finally ready to transform?  Taking responsibility for our own inner conflicts, pausing before striking, and looking for ways to unite. Let’s join Pope Francis in prayers for peace and Unity’s world day of prayer on Sept 12, 2013.

I invite you to join me this next week (9/8 to 9/15) to focus on peace in meditation and quiet time.

I’m committing to daily time spent in quiet, contemplating peace. I will be sending out the energy of peace  and love to our world leaders, leaders in the middle east, and the people of Syria.

For any skeptics or science types, the Institute of Heart Math has many studies proving the power of what they call “heart coherence.” As mystics have known for centuries and science is now proving, we are all connected and the power of love and positive energies can transform, even at at distance.

For inspiration, I leave you with this poem called Ode to Peace.

Li River Sunset

Li River Sunset by Michael Sheridan

Ode to Peace

Say goodbye dear friend

We have journeyed many a mile together

It’s time to retire the stars and stripes

The wars, dominance and control

Bring out the new clothes

United in peace and love

Dedicated to one world, one family, one planet

War no more

Reign in our conflicts

Pause, inhale peace and extend love

All conflicts are calls for love

Let’s shower the people with love

Imagine peace my friends

12 thoughts on “Imagine Peace

  1. Bravo, Brad! This perspective and message needs to be openly and seriously communicated. I’m with you 100% and will hold thoughtful, powerful, peaceful intentions this coming week. Let’s not just try peace. Let’s be peace!


  2. Thanks Eric, yes, Don’t try, BE Peace! I would love for this message to be spread far and wide. That’s why I joined the bloggers for peace and routinely blog about peace. Feel free to join me in meditation, talking, writing or other ways of being peace.
    Peace out, Brad 🙂


  3. Pingback: What Does Peace Smell LIke? | western gal speak

  4. Reblogged this on writing to freedom and commented:

    Let’s pray for peace.

    With all the tension in Syria and the Middle East, this post seems appropriate to share again. I’ve always been drawn to peace and hope, as many do, that we can create a world of peace and love. Will you join me in sending out prayers and peaceful energies?

    Blessings, Brad


  5. Pingback: Imagine Peace | Artists4Peace

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