Awesome Stories 1.31

Can It Get Any Better?  More Awesome Stories!

Relax and Be

How would you like to be welcomed into the world by a smiling doctor singing to you?

That’s what Dr. Carey Andrew-Jaja, Singing Doctor, of Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC does with every child that he delivers. As a doctor. he has delivered thousands of babies, yet he takes the time to appreciate and celebrate the miracle of birth with each one. Wouldn’t it be nice for all medical professionals to treat their patients as special miracles to be celebrated. FYI, this video is a commercial for the hospital, but also a lovely tribute to life. Enjoy!

Let’s go Fly a Kite!

Many groups are working on making wind power more attractive. Delightfully, kites may be the answer. Prototypes of these wind generating kites have some advantages over traditional wind turbines. According to researchers at Delft University of Technology, they use less materials, are less intrusive, tap into stronger winds at higher altitudes and are projected to produce electricity for less money. Wouldn’t it be fun to fly kites and generate electricity?

Shall We Simply Be Awhile?

 In today’s rush we all think too much, seek too much, want too much and forget about the joy of just Being. – Eckhart Tolle

I love reminders to stop, breath and relax into the beauty, miracles and preciousness of life. Here is a great parable about a world gone crazy looking for love, happiness and contentment,  in all the wrong places. Some of us find the courage to unplug from gadgets, busyness, success and simply BE awhile. “At which point love would rush over to greet them with a hug, happiness would put on the kettle for a cup of tea, contentment would tend to the fireplace and fulfillment would begin to sing.” – Pavithra Mehta 

Solar is Thriving in California.

Solar installations and energy supplied is booming in California. Thanks in large part to the California Solar Initiative with the goal to have 1940 MW of solar energy by 2016. The project will easily meet it’s goal, helping to make solar energy a thriving and sustainable part of the energy supply in California. If more countries and states would follow their lead, we could have a thriving solar industry that competed easily with fossil fuels on cost and had less environmental impact in the long run. Go solar!

Thrive with Kindness and Cooperation.

According to the latest research by Michael Tomasello, cooperation is how we first evolved as humans. We survived and evolved because we cooperated!  Michael Tomasello, an American psychologist and co-director of the Max Planck Institute, has shown that cooperative living and work models are better suited to our continued human development. “Corporate workplaces probably aren’t in sync with our evolutionary roots and may not be good for our long-term success as humans.” Cooperative businesses maximize value for their members, a goal much more aligned with our evolutionary roots. Cooperate and thrive!

Regional Companies Thrive with Solar.

The sustainable building industry is growing in Arkansas, thanks to USGBC Arkansas, Viridian and Kum and Go Stores. USGBCAR supplies the LEED certification and best sustainable practices. Viridian supplies the energy consulting help and Kum and Go has committed to building it’s new stores in a sustainable manner. So far, 6 new stores have been built to LEED standards, with another 9 more planned. Go LEED Arkansas!

Thrive with Awesome Stories! What’s awesome in your life?

6 thoughts on “Awesome Stories 1.31

  1. you did it again, Brad! interesting and hopeful news… and got me crying 🙂 over the babies being welcomed by a joyful singing dr. (Especially the last part of the video, where he sings ‘Wonderful World’ by himself, so lovingly to that baby…)


    • Wonderful Leslie, I was greatly touched by his story too. Not that I’m glad you’re crying. And yet, it seems we increase our capacity for love and joy by our willingness to feel pain too. Another paradox. Thanks for caring!


  2. As always, Brad, intriguing and thought provoking shares. Thanks! I particularly like to story about the singing doctor. What a blessing it would be to have the same done in hospice settings for people whose lives are imminently coming to a close?! Stay well!


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