Skeletal Remains

Skeletal Remains ~ all hallows day approaches celebrating saints and sinners martyrs fighting for the winners a sense of dread growing strange lanterns glowing offerings of tricks and treats a shuffling of patron’s seats as buried skeletons emerge along with a wailing dirge rousing all your fears grown ripe with the years casting a magic…

sunset, haunting, chimera

Howling of the Chimera

Howling of the Chimera Halloween seems like the perfect time to start this desert adventure. Beware the lost souls on this dark holiday aka All Hallows Eve. Here is a brighter take on Halloween called Hallowed or Harrowing reminding us that choice is the magic key to life. Or my last year’s ode to Halloween called…

Pacific Ocean reserve, Awesome Stories

Awesome Stories 195

This week Awesome Stories brings you ocean reform, flashmobs, inter-species play, compassion and potato power! Ocean of Relief President Obama recently created the largest ocean preserve in the world by increasing the protected waters south of Hawaii by 500%! Thankfully, we are realizing how important ocean health is to our overall planetary health. Marine preservation…