Connections: LAPC #303

This week Donna invited us to explore connections and how our photography connects the world. We can explore what brings meaning, what draws interest, and what connects you to life.

The connections we make to people, places, things, and ideas, are what give purpose and meaning to our lives.” Donna

My most important connection is with nature. It sustains me, inspires me, and brings me a sense of peace. We are nature and a part of the biosystem called Earth, yet we live in ways that often disconnect us from nature and each other while harming the planet. We must learn to live harmoniously or perish as a species.


A peaceful lakeside setting full of connections.

Everywhere I look in nature I see connections, interdependence, balance, and harmony. The clouds bring rain to fill our lakes, rivers, and aquifers. They in turn feed our plants, animals, trees, and people.


Lichens embody connection by living cooperatively with other species.

Lichens are the result of two (or more) distinct organisms living together in a symbiotic relationship. The algae provide photosynthesis, the fungi provide a home and the rock provides nutrients.


Mushrooms are the visible fruit of fungi, with vast networks growing underground.

Fungi are the essence of connection, helping to grow soil, recycle nutrients, eat rocks, break down trees, produce food, digest pollution, and influence animals and ecosystems. There are over 4 million species with about 10,000 that sprout mushrooms.


My brother, mom, and I from happier times, maybe 14 years ago.

We all need people to sustain our well-being. Unfortunately, my family and friends circles have shrunk dramatically. I want more connection with people, but need to make more of an effort. Thankfully, our WordPress community nurtures and sustains me in the meantime.

May we cherish and nurture the connections that feed our souls.

58 thoughts on “Connections: LAPC #303

  1. I have always appreciated your genuine connection to nature Brad and I love the way you took us from the ground up. I continue to love your dabble into macro. I am a lichen nerd. lol. I look for it and when in nature will sometimes drip water on it to see it change color. In the desert, it becomes brilliant colors, I guess because it doesn’t get the glorious rain very often. The most powerful sentence to me was.. our need to live in harmony or perish as a species. It is so true. Such a beautiful family. Yes… may we all cherish and nurture the connections that feed our souls.

    I was hoping you would join today. This subject is reflective of you everyday. Not just today…..

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Brad… this may be my most favorite (so far) of all of your posts! You calmly share both beauty and wisdom — as well as a profound wakeup call (mentioned by Wind Kisses) “We must learn to live harmoniously or perish as a species.” I was recently talking with a friend who has become a UU chaplain working with people who are dying. As part of her initial assessment of each hospice undertaking, she gently noses around to see what sort of connections the person has — with family, with friends, with nature, with a higher power, with themselves — because those connections (or lack thereof) will be significant during their transition from life to death. Deep breath in. Deep breath out. BTW: I love being connected with you via WordPress!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Beautiful said. I totally subscribe your words on cherishing the connections that nourish our soul. And also find true connection in nature. Thank you for this post. Lots of light and blessings to you 🙏 💫

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you so much dear Brad for this marvelous post. I really loved it. Who will not like nature. It is the best. Your pics too are awesome. Lovely pic of you, your mom and your brother. We at WP are all for you Brad and we all love you. Lots of hugs 🤗🤗🙏🙏🤗🤗

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I love your tender heart and your understanding of connection at the root of things. Nature certainly reflects what is key to life…and like the tree branches, plant tendrils, and blossoms reach toward the sun and extend their roots to each other in a network, may we all lean into our nature of interdependence and not only be there for each other, but extend to and receive from one another. I agree, community feels so important to our survival and for us to commune with each other and all of life is part of that. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful and important message and for your vulnerable heart in reflecting what is fundamentally at the heart of us all – togetherness is essential. May your muse support your leaning into the love that is around you and may she do the same for us all. I believe we cannot see and understand such things, if it is not already within us.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you for your beautiful and unique perspectives on nature, community, and growth Tania. I appreciate that you live your values. I know we need people, but I have grown very isolated. May my muse and heart awaken to more love.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Brad, this is a remarkable post. Your connection to nature is evident here. These beautiful photos and thoughts are a great reminder that, as humans, we need to do more. I also loved the smiles of your family connection. Great post, my friend.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. That’s a lovely family photo that I am sure you cherish. Thank you for sharing the smiles and your stunning photos with us! Your captions are equally interesting. Fungi is truly fascinating and vital. Rare to see in my region so thank you for sharing. 🍄

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Excellent post, Brad. I feel connected.

    Did you know mushrooms communicate with each other through their mycelium? They have a vocabulary of about 25 words.

    Sometimes I envision a mycelium that runs through all and everything of this planet.


    Liked by 2 people

  9. Some really special connections as examples you chose Brad…. Indeed Nature is inseparable in so many forms, for so may species rely upon each other to survive… As we do..

    Beautiful photo too Brad of your Mum in happier times…. And families that connect so closely are a blessing..

    I loved the top image of the lake and sky Brad…. A perfect example…. of Nature’s connections..
    Wishing you a peaceful connected Weekend 😀 ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  10. A thoughtful and beautiful post Brad. I share your connection to nature as many photographers do. I believe we pay more attention to all of its elements, from ground to sky and all in between. And of course our connections to each other, even through our blogging. Well said and shown

    Liked by 2 people

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