Fantastic Flowers

A radiant beauty to start the celebration.

Flowers are endlessly fascinating to me. The variety of shapes, sizes, colors, and aromas delight my senses. This post is a birthday treat to myself, celebrating the beauty of flowers. They remind me to shine and savor what beauty comes my way.

“Spring is nature’s way of saying “Let’s party!“”~ Robin Williams 

This dazzling display greeted me at a local Indian food restaurant. They have two large planters at the door filled to the brim with flower blossoms welcoming their guests.

Sophia invited us to celebrate flowers for this week’s Lens Artist Challenge. She asked us to share images and how we process them. Mine are all simple images, taken with a cellphone and minor editing. Flowers are so beautiful and varied that I don’t really find any need to get clever with processing. I often zoom in close to capture the amazing details of flowers.

“It is at the edge of a petal that love awaits.” ~ William Carlos Williams


This is one of my favorite flower images. It’s a macro image of an Eye of the Tiger Iris. What amazing colors and patterns are found inside this beauty.




pink and blue

dazzling colors

flowers for me and you


This close-up looks like abstract art to me. I’m swept away by the color and flow.

“Where flowers bloom so does hope.” ~ Lady Bird Johnson


Gardens are the way we co-create with nature.


May we celebrate beauty and diversity as demonstrated so well by flowers.

85 thoughts on “Fantastic Flowers

  1. This post is filed with color and life. It all catches my attention. I agree with you, Brad. They are so beautiful and varied, they just stand alone. It IS fun to get close as you show with your stunning selections. The Eye of the Tiger looks like a kaleidoscope. And I love the first with the flower droplets too. I definitely co-create with nature! Always nice to see what you come up with.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. What a beautiful way to celebrate your birthday Brad.. Many Happy returns to you Brad.. Your pictures were gorgeous and I agree with you flowers fascinate with their beauty and colours and shapes of all sizes and perfumes.
    What glorious images you have shared..
    I hope you have had a wonderful Day Brad on this your Earth Day celebration .. xxx ❤ 🍰🎈✨🎉🎂✨

    Liked by 2 people

  3. A perfect way to celebrate with a flower power party! Thank you for sharing these beauties. I’m grateful for you and your friendship and your unique color you add to the garden of life. Wishing you early birthday wishes for this upcoming Friday – I’ll be holding you in my thoughts and beaming out extra love and energy across the land from my neck of the woods to yours…perhaps even blowing a dandelion wish from our meadow out back, just for you! Beautiful photos…I was immersed in so much blossom beauty on our road trip last week too. I’ll share that soon, as I know we both love nature’s splendor so much. Big hugs and love!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. There is not a gift beautiful more than flowers… This post full of amazing beautiful flowers and colours, I fall in love with them. Thank you, Happy Birthday, Love, nia

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Thanks for sharing your birthday celebration with the rest of us, Brad. A happy, healthy birthday to you! I always love your photos and poems — and this time you included some great quotations, too. If I am remembering correctly, Lady Bird Johnson was passionate about wildflowers — helping (among other things) to seed the center medians of highways in order to bring more natural beauty to all of us. I certainly agree with her: “Where flowers bloom so does hope.”

    Liked by 1 person

    • I just searched and yes, Lady Bird was instrumental in passing legislation to beautiful highways and promote wildflowers. What a great pioneer for flowers. May we celebrate and appreciate their gifts. To flowers and friends. Thank you Will. 🌷🙏


  6. Happy Belated Birthday, Brad! Your macro photography is beautiful and I love your tribute to flowers. The Robin Williams quote is my favorite. 🙂 Perfect for the way spring feels. Have a wonderful day, my friend.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Happy belated birthday, Brad! 🥂 The pink flower that looks like abstract art is so cool. I don’t know why, but it made me feel like it was a photo captured from Space. It looks like it’s moving and is super cool! I hope the year ahead is full of change and opportunity, my friend. HNS 🎂💕

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