Natural Wonders

Natural Wonders


the gift of friendshipfriends, smiles

trees, bees, and flowers

bumble bee

a babbling brook

babbling brook

a path to walk

a path to walk

mountain tops to see a broader view

a sunset to pause and reflect


these are a few of my favorite things

natural wonders

the natural wonders


I took some time to hang out with friends in the last few days to celebrate my birthday. I’ve had a couple of socially distanced picnics, a bike ride, and a hike planned for tomorrow. These pockets of peace and joy help keep me going in a world full of covid, violence, and feckless leaders.

May we search our hearts to know what kind of a world we want to live in, then do all we can to bring it about. Maybe that’s helping a friend or stranger, going to a protest, voting for change, standing up for those who can’t, or simply adding more peace and love to our world.

May peace prevail.   #BlackLivesMatter

74 thoughts on “Natural Wonders

  1. some of my favorite things too! ❤ i'm so glad you're drawing out the birthday celebrations and doing things you love. i'm with you in helping to create change from the inside out! happy birthday, again! let's keep the celebrations going and beam out that joy and love to the world! love you!

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Have a Happy Birthday Brad…. And those treasures you shared are precious wonders we are all so grateful for… I too had birthday in lockdown… The postman still came, so did flowers.. and phone calls… Nature is always bringing her gifts… And where oh where would we be without those Natural Wonders and Friendships..
    Beautiful images Brad… Have a Super Day…
    Lots of Love…
    Sue 🙂 💚🙏

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Dear Brad, feliz cumple and a very happy belated birthday to you!! I wish you so much peace, love, health, joy, and equanimity for your new year of life ahead! Love your photos and your writing here, yes, may peace prevail, and may everyone contribute their part to it! I honestly believe the path of inner transformation and healing is everyone´s responsability now… Much love to you 🙂 💖

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Happy Belated Birthday, Brad! My birthday was last month and I smiled when you mentioned picnics as I was treated to two while honouring social distancing guidelines…each of your beautiful photographs would make a lovely gift for anyone celebrating a birthday.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Coming back for a second visit to this post Brad. This reminder of what’s true is exactly what I needed today. In this together! From Canada to USA. And globally. We. Are. In. This. Together. Something your writing and photography always reminds me of. WHAT’S TRUE 🌎💞

    Liked by 3 people

  6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BLESSINGS DEAR BRAD!!! ❤️❤️ Love how you celebrated your birthday! Beauty and peace cradled joyfully in LOVE! 😀💛🐝🌼☀️💫💫

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I’m so glad I took time this morning out of my busy day to read this and see your peaceful photos! Thanks for writing these, Brad. I often try to like or comment here and today it allowed me to log in without issue, very happy! I switched to Firefox browser, maybe that’s it. Usually it claims my login info is incorrect and leaves me confused but today it was all entered in already and worked. Sending joy your way!

    Liked by 2 people

  8. I’m late in wishing you a HAPPY Birthday, Brad. My son’s b.d is June 4, and my daughter’s is June 10. You Gemini are all special people. My birthday wish for you? That your year is full of your favorite things. ❤

    Liked by 2 people

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