Awesome Stories- A Season of Giving

This week Awesome Stories brings you a collection of ideas to inspire a season of giving.

Human beings are wired to care and give and it’s probably our best route to happiness.~ Dacher Keltner

giving, joy, serviceThis is the time of year that reminds us of the power of giving. The funny part is that I know the joys and benefits from giving, yet still hold back. This post is to remind me and our community of the joys of giving. I find that helping others soothes my soul, helps me lay down my worries,and helps me feel connected to something bigger than myself.

By letting go of focus on myself, I merge into a space of love and oneness. #TogetherWeRise

The Emotions of Giving

Renowned psychologist Dacher Keltner has studied the role of emotions in our evolution. We seem to be genetically wired to help each other, and certain emotions like compassion, gratitude and awe play a big part in our happiness. This article is a little long but offers some interesting insights into the motivations and benefits to kindness. An interesting insight for me is how touch soothes our nervous system and is the way many primates show gratitude Maybe we all just need more hugs and loving touch. 🙂

Here are some great ideas for giving to others this season. 

Kyle Holliday and Signup Genius offer 60 ways to serve your community. Kyle offers specific suggestions for helping in the areas of neighborhood, seniors, special needs, the homeless, environment, and animals. I find that my giving has more meaning if I pick a group that has passion for me. Then my giving is more powerful and impactful being aligned with my passions. So from Kyle’s list, my picks would be helping special needs kids or the environment, two of my deepest cares. I’ve also volunteered at food banks, creek cleanups, and nursing homes. Several years my friends and I organized a group to go caroling at nursing homes.

Interfaith Giving

Pastor Steve Stone of Heartsong Church was surprised to learn a Muslim community wanted to build a mosque across the street from his church. After praying, he was inspired to reach out to understand and welcome their new neighbors. Both communities were cautious and even fearful at first, but over time they grew to love and embrace each other in unity. Watch the video to learn more about their touching story.

I hope you find some ways to give back to your community this holiday season. Then you might find, like I do, that giving becomes a year-round habit that feeds your soul.

Many blessings to you and yours, Brad

24 thoughts on “Awesome Stories- A Season of Giving

  1. Wow, Brad. Interesting, interesting stories. “I find that helping others soothes my soul, helps me lay down my worries,and helps me feel connected to something bigger than myself.”
    Yes! I loved the story about Heartsong Church and the new Islamic community. As the man in the purple shirt, (who never imagined he’d be friends with Muslims) said: “My world got bigger.” I think our hearts get bigger too.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Brad, I appreciate your awesome stories that you bless us with, it takes a lot of research to find these resources on a regular basis, as you do with the series. Thank you.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. That upworthy video about the two faith communities coming together in friendship is just incredible. So inspirational, and courageous and just what the world needs. There IS hope, there really is. Thanks so much for sharing, and for celebrating this season of generosity…may such giving continue throughout the year! Hugs, Harula xxx

    Liked by 2 people

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