Golden Goodness

Golden GoodnessAutumn, colors, poetry


yellow maple leaves

dancing with the autumn winds

shimmering goodness


soothing golden tones

signal the change in seasons

golden goodness shines


21 thoughts on “Golden Goodness

      • Thanks Brad, I had a very full Thanksgiving, literally and figuratively – it was also my Mom’s 80th birthday on Friday and my sister’s birthday on Sunday, so it was pretty busy around here.
        I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving, were you able to spend it with family?

        Liked by 1 person

      • I knew your mom was out east, but didn’t know if perhaps you had other family that was more near. A nice quiet day sounds good to me, I’ve been far too busy lately. I keep waiting for things to quiet down, but apparently that is not going to be the case anytime soon in the foreseeable future. So I’m doing what I can to just embrace what is, and to keep my heart filled with gratitude…
        Hope you’re doing alright, Brad, in mind, body and spirit. I’m sending good vibes your way my friend 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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