Happy Anniversary

Happy Anniversary3 year blog anniversary

the joy of writing

compounded in connections

far and wide brings joy


gratitude abounds

joy inspiration friendships

priceless treasures found


Today is my 3 year anniversary for not only this blog, but my journey into writing, creative expression and the world of blogging. What began as an impulse, has turned into an amazing journey filled with joy, inspiration, pain, self discovery, sharing, bonding and finding community. I feel very blessed for our community on WordPress, filled with friends who love to read, write and uplift one another. Thank you for blessing and enriching my life. 

Wishing you many blessings, Brad 

53 thoughts on “Happy Anniversary

  1. Congratulations Brad! You have been steadily growing, the intensity of your words have been becoming deeper and higher like the music notes…merging into each other to keep the rhythm. We surely have found wonderful friends. Looking forward to many more years of the joy of writing and sharing this platform to inspire. Stay blessed!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Happy anniversary with the best wishes for many, many more to come 😉 Ditto for me on the feelings conjured up from something started on a whim – it’s usually those unexpected discoveries that find their way, weaving into the fabric of who we are and who we become. Thanks for bringing us all along on your journey!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Happy blogging anniversary Brad, keep up the wonderful posts! I’m getting a few followers now after 5 months or so of blogging and finding it difficult to keep up with them all. So, the very best of the bunch I’m starting to follow by email so I don’t miss anything, you’re one of them 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes Randall, it’s been a wild ride. I almost gave up after the first year when almost no one was commenting or connecting, but this last year has seen a dramatic increase in readers, comments and most important connections like you. Thanks.


  4. Yay, Brad! You were one of my first discovered 💎 gems when I entered the wordpress world. I so appreciate your perspective of life — now if I could just stay on the ground long enough to keep up with your posting pace… ✈ I’m off to read posts I’ve missed!! ♥

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  5. I’m glad you stayed so long, it was good to meet you Brad! 🙂 Three years is something to be proud of! I often wonder if I’ll still be doing it by then, as long as the inspiration flows, hopefully I will be. Happy anniversary!!! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Keep up the good work! Your stories are alway inspiring and shows there are likeminded people in this world and together we will change for the better! Happy Birthday to your blog 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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