Summer Market

Summer Market ~ enjoy the season a potpourri of pleasure at summer market ~ This image by Janet speaks to my heart, as most of her paintings do. I love the vibrant colors and a sense of festive activity. It’s a perfect reminder to get out and enjoy the treats of summer like farmer’s market,…

spring, poetry

Feeling the Fever

Feeling the Fever ~ dancing with color her canvas bursting with life feeling the fever ~ This painting by Vera Komnig really stirs my soul. It dances with color and vibrancy that leaps off the image and is appropriately called Spring Fever! You can explore more of Vera’s wonderful art on her website. Happy Spring…

hummingbird, joy, poetry

Hummingbird Joy

Hummingbird Joy ~ buzzing wings in flight joyful expressions of light beauty and delight ~ Recently, I’ve been enjoying the joyful paintings of Janet Weight Reed. Her flowing watercolors warm my heart. I encourage you to visit her site and explore. Thanks for allowing me to use your lovely paintings Janet!

painting, poetry, joy

Purple Passion

Purple Passion waves of purple passion exploding dancing with lavish yellow clouds singing songs in my heart ~ swirls of color wafting through my mind sparking creamy white dreams and a shower of joy! ~ This poem was inspired by the wonderful painting from Vera Komnig. Thank you Vera! When I saw this painting, my being…

Awakening, poetry, passion


 Awakening hidden feelings stir dormant passions come alive my heart beats strongly ~ the gate has opened passions bubble and erupt time to awaken   This lovely © image by Vera Komnig awakened something in me. Visit her gallery for more beautiful and evocative paintings. Thanks Vera!