Soulful Sunday

Soulful Sunday 102

This week Soulful Sunday brings you blissful reminders from Joseph Campbell and Plato. We’re so engaged in doing things to achieve purposes of outer value that we forget the inner value, the rapture that is associated with being alive. What we’re seeking is an experience of being alive…  ~ Joseph Campbell Many mystics have described the rapture of…

The Beatles, Strawberry Fields

Strawberry Fields Forever

Strawberry Fields Forever ~ I hopped in my Yellow Submarine to visit Penny Lane and the Beatles. Some of us have never lost the belief that after a Hard Days Night, All You Need is Love. I walked over to Sgt. Pepper and asked him to Let It Be. But Hey, Jude wasn’t falling for…

love, poetry, NaMoWriPo

All You Need is Love

All You Need is Love * If I could peek in your soul would I see a hole a hungry bear a confused affair ` no matter the scene my sight is now clean with the pure light of compassionate sight ` free of judgment I allow fear to dissolve in the now the pains…